About me

About me

ㅤDad said, when I was born a few years ago, it was a happiness that will never be forgotten. God bestowed the first child with a very beautiful and cute face. The first granddaughter in a large family is a matter of pride for him.

ㅤAnd now, the baby has become a beautiful and smart girl. Calve chooses math as her favorite subject, even though he sometimes forgets the formulas, haha. Chicken satay is her favorite food, especially with the abundant peanut sauce. And also orange juice as favorite drink, don't forget ice cream!

ㅤFriendly with new people, and gets fussy when he is close to someone. Don't forget her possessive attitude with the people loves. She can control her emotions, but will explode without knowing the place when she can't control it anymore. One more thing, do not forget the teachings of grandfather. Fight those in front, respect those on our side, and protect those behind.

ㅤWant to be friends with me? Please send a message to @Calvearabot to start friendship and get to know more. Don't forget to use polite language.

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