About me

About me

Raffaella Cocci


If you operate remotely, it is quite easy to go crazy if you don't come up with some cool things in time. That's why we have a chat space in our content section. The chat is half casual, so it discusses everything by the number of jumps in our blog to the sun rises from Bali and bumps.

Apart from my career, family, communication with family members and friends, I have a hobby. These used to be actual actions, but with the evolution of the web and the development of gadgets, everybody can choose to have fun online. As an example, now, every player can play for free in the internet casino https://mymzik20.xyz/  in any slot he enjoys. In this case, we are talking about the simple fact that every slot machine is currently available as a standard style of play for actual stakes, and in the demonstration. The latter lets you play for free from any slot you prefer. Initially, such a purpose was devised so as to permit the player to create the perfect choice. The prosperity of game titles makes you think long about everything to play. But because such a function was a lot easier to make a demonstration of the game and only then invest in it. My title is Raffaella, I'm 31 years old. I'm a copywriter. That's, I write posts about books, organize blog posts, fill in book cards, make an alphabetic part of promotional pages and also periodically earn a mailing list of those literary novelties. I love to joke. I have no time to not read. After a very long hunt for a dream job, I found what I needed.


I do not have particular hours of work. I like to wake up so I will wake up at seven in the afternoon and instantly immerse myself into work procedures. And, by way of example, at eleven o'clock to go for a walk or solve a family dilemma, then take a rest and end work in the afternoon. Nobody controls anyone and nobody else desires anybody. And that is what I enjoy most of all, as it is the attitude I am used to working with. 

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