About me...

About me...


Hiya guys, I'm Evan, a bot/userbot dev here in Telegram, and meme maker in my spare time 🤪

See my repertoire:

My groups:

Group of Owls (98K)

Group made to gather all owlovers in this big wild called Telegram 🦉

Group of Cats (75.7K)

The cutest group you'll see on this platform 🐈

City of chaos (51.8K)

Chaos is the soul of creativity, art, beauty, culture, knowledge, and everything that will help you to be better in administrative, organizational, and inteligence environments.

Vacation plans (36.7K)

You don't know where to vacation, or if you do, you don't know what to do when you're there? Don't worry, I can help you make your next trip unforgettable! 😊

Test Group (31.9K)

This is just a group of Tests, there are no "dictator" rules here, be free to be who you are, to do what you want (but with limits, I didn't say that it's without rules)

TipsTalk (29.3K)

Here we talk about tips for you to better use the Telegram app. Want to share your tip? PM me so I can give you some instructions

Dev Manual (25.2K)

Learn here from experienced people in the field of automation and programming, so you can follow what your robotic heart screams for you to follow

GamesTalk (23K)

Here we talk about the best Telegram games of all time, and how to make'em

StickerTalk (20.1K)

Same as above, but for Stickers (especially the Animated ones)

Instant Articles (14.3K)

Would you like to do one-to-many posts using the Telegraph platform on your channel, but want to find a method to leverage your views results? Welcome to this group, where we can help you quintruple your engagement, and increase your share rate by up to 50×

Photoshop it! (9.4K)

I don't know how to photoshop images — you say. I say: Yeah, you know, what you don't know is where to start, it seems like a complicated thing, something you'll never learn, which is obviously not true, and we are here to prove it! You don't exactly need to be a mega-professional expert for that, or even specifically use Adobe Photoshop software, you just need a tool that edits images (just like Ibis Paint) and willingness to learn

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My channels:

Catclub (1.5M)

The largest repository of feline content on Telegram, for anyone who wants to spend time looking at these tiger-shaped cuteness.

Wowld (1.2M)

Owls are an integral part of human life, they are incredible beings that have an incomparable wisdom, and an unparalleled charisma, enchanting all the animals wherever they go.

In a Stone Jungle (987.1K)

Official channel of the movie "In a Stone Jungle" made by me, Evan, for you, from Telegram

Dev Manual (675.2K)

Would you like to learn how to program systems, applications, robots, and everything else, using only the power of your intelligence? You are in the right place! Here you will find several tutorials with the most known programming languages ​​(PHP, Python, Assembly, C++, Java, etc...), made by (and only by) specialist on each area

(There are more, but they are still undergoing consistency testing, and them link are private yet)

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I helped to build:

BotHelp (5.7M users)

BotHelp is one bot that builds almost them all. Use it to make a bot using the newest bot API features that Telegram gives you, without leads with programming

BotMother (5.3M users)

Same as above, but for Userbots

TeleTV (4.7M users)

Call me via Telegram to start your Open TV

Send "Hi" to me so I can help you set up your Virtual Television (Switch channels, increase/decrease volume, etc.)

Instant Rounds (3.2M users)

I can show in a specific chat a list of round videos that are on the trendings

Use me in the inline mode so I can work better

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I helped translate:

Free Coffee

To French and Portuguese (Brazil)

Lookup Ringtone

To Sinhala

Alarm Bot

To Sinhala and Portuguese (Brazil)

Dante Bot

To Japanese


To Portuguese (Portugal) and Japanese

Alakum Organization

To French, (Latin) Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), Japanese, Sinhala, and Korean

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My Telegram-based clients

KobraGun (2M downloads)

A redesigned Telegram client from scratch that uses the Telegram API, and which was 100% written in Python (yes, in Python, you didn't read it wrong)

Telejournal (1.5M downloads)

A client of Telegram for Journalists, he has many useful resources for anyone wanting to reach the right audiences in the right way, creating an unbreakable bond between reader and author

It uses both the Telegram API (TDLib) and the Telegraph API

Rokugram (10K downloads)

A Telegram-based client that was designed specifically for Roku SmartTVs

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I helped to translate:


Japanese and Sinhala


French, Italian and Portuguese (Portugal)


Portuguese (Portugal)


Korean and Japanese

Instagram (prank hahahahaha)



(Europe) Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil) and Portuguese (Portugal)



Ching Wang Gram

(Europe) Spanish, (Latin) Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese (Galician), Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Macau), Japanese, Korean, and Sinhala

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