About me

About me

Peter Fyodorov


For me, an individual is not a"music lover" if he is obsessed with a couple of styles. It's not bad, it's the right to exist. However, music is distance, endless variations of different sounds, it has no limitations. Just like the songs you listen to ought to have no limits. Needless to say, I only put out several genres for myself, which I listen to the majority of the moment. As an example, I enjoy rap because actors express their emotions in a tune. Words in the lyrics of the song reveal life rankings. Many actors are trying to attain absolute accuracy in conveying feelings to the listener. Occasionally a direction in the music known as rap means: mats, robbery, hooliganism, but it is not so. This genre is most commonly about love, about fundamentals, and a number of other vital things for folks.

 I have many unique hobbies. Since childhood I really do sports, go into a soccer club. I'm not a expert player, but I like everything. I began to work out once I was a kid, since my hobby has not left me. There I got acquainted with my pals. At that time it was very popular to hear turnip and I also started to listen to it so that I would not differ in men. Some even tried to read turnip, however, it had been difficult for me. Generally speaking, I am a music fan and that I will listen to almost any songs. For me personally, a music lover is someone who truly loves different kinds of songs. I like to find new fashions, listen to them and decide for myself what to hear and what is not mine. I like to keep the music in my phone to make it easy to listen but occasionally there are issues for this and I must search for different choices where to obtain what I'm interested in. Recently I found a fantastic alternative, the site https://bib.fm/ , that has a great assortment of songs. 

 Hi. My name is Peter Fyodorov. I am 23 years old. I live in the Orlov region. I'm finishing Moskovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet Priborostroyeniya that I Informatiki and plan to work in IT. But while I am still studying, sometimes I earn a living where I can get some entertainment.

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