About me

About me


what do I listen to

It's kinda hard to describe my music taste because I like electronics, hardcore styles like metal, -cores, rap, experimental, old, and new etc

I can't pick a favorite because there are too many options!

what I do

most of the time trying to figure out what I want to do. 

I am sort of like "The Collector" (You know what I mean?).

{{ link to goodReads or smth }}


But rather of being %something%-holic I prefer to pick a little bit of this, a little bit of that and I can't be sure in anything too much

Lately, I was a little bit obsessed with Isaac Asimov's books. This happened because I heard an amazing audio story and this way I was obsessed with audio stories in general... 

/* not about me : */

Model dlya Sborky (Craft Model) is a radio show, that narrates touching geek science fiction. It's basically an "audiobook" with futuristic electronic background music. Vlad Kopp, the voice of this show, does an astonishing work in storytelling. I have never heard something similar to this.

* nostalgic tears *

random likes :

Life Is Strange, "movie games", Wolf Among Us, Catcher in the Rye, Scott Pilgrim, Gravity Falls, Evangelion, Donnie Darko, Clockwork Orange

Everyone is a unique snowflake, eh?

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