About me!

About me!

Letty H. Smith

Hi!   My name is Letty H. Smith, I am 38 years old, so I work as an instructor. Teachers should be tolerant of kids looking into tablets and phones in the classes. Furthermore, these devices should be utilized more actively when controlling new material. Thus, I found a new source of knowledge through the portal site of presentations on any topic https://slidetodoc.com/. The information included in the presentations may be utilised in class. Remember the way we rejoiced in our youth when there was a photo from the publication. Together with modern school children - demonstrations with illustrations. They dilute the canvas of this Bible together with paintings and visual aids. The same presentations can be viewed on the gadget screen - a great addition to the main program. Some teachers allow using smartphones in categories to document information. For example, presentation slides are more easily photographed than simply formatted in a notebook computer.

To mention that gadgets should be removed from school is tantamount to choosing a washing machine or a microwave oven from the toaster. In the end, education needs to keep up with the times, otherwise it becomes outdated, as stated by psychologists. I proceeded to work as soon as I graduated from the pedagogical college. Generally speaking, just half of my classmates got jobs as teachers. School is about stability. After the university I moved to a little city in Indianapolis so I had to earn a continuous income. I found my job through a portal site.

Together with the newest generation and gadgets at the faculty came new guidelines: the instructor today has no right to raise his voice, then kick students out of the classroom during the semester, to select personal things - if it is a cell phone or a detective publication - or to penalize students by sending them to a corner. These privileges are utilized by sophisticated teenagers to hound unwanted teachers. And although the subject of education is extensive: children torture classmates, and teachers pick favorites, college colleagues are divided into groups. However, the most difficult for me were public speeches: the course looks at you and you appear to be under a magnifying glass. Then it has passed, as in a way I am on the identical wave with my students: the gap in age is not so big, we sit in the identical social networks and also receive information out of the very same resources - it brings us closer.    

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