About me.

About me.


Before that, I'm bilingual typing, but i still use Bahasa for my daily language. Surely, I could do both upon of a love-hate or lovey-dovey relationship either so we could do lovey-hate-dovey, i also like to hear your stories, just tell me everything okay? it's my pleasure to be your second home. Intinya all I can do would make you missed me everyday. Actually i'm lil insensitive, but thanks God i'm convobuilder, jadi kamu ga usah takut soal topik. Berdasarkan uji coba, my MBTI results it ENFJ, exactly, i'm extrovert. So, I will make sure my partner wouldnt feeling lonely, including bore. I'll make you feeling special, just like martabak. TMI... I'm a too much asker boy, its call kepo, and wanna know all of you, all about you. Easily worry, especialy when you say that you're sick, sad or else. Fyi, I love to hear many genre and artist of song. I'm enjoyed listening lokal, korean, western and asian song. Like Enhypen, Seventeen, JB, taylor swift, SM song, NCT, YG song, Treasure, bigbang, chase atlantic, CAS, lewis capaldi, etc. Yang musiknya sama genre boleh nih tukeran playlist. TMI again, I'm a clingy boy a.k.a spoiled boy who love talk with 'aku-kamu' or 'i and u' in our conversation. Like what I said, I'm a spoiled man who act like a softboy, act like a kitten... fr, look like malesub yang berkedok daddy vibes, yang dikit-dikit kangenan. I'm fastrespon and I want a partner who can match the intensity in replying to chats, c'mon gurl we're virtual, kalau kamu slr apalah isinya roomchat kita ini. My personality is actually a bit random, isn't it? sometimes cool but could be jamet, and mostly spoiled also clingy, love to do love-hate for a twennie-four seven. Tapi juga suka flirting till you blushing, dan nerima balasan, tenang saja, saya juga kaum meleyot walau terkadang ketutup gengsi. Why I said that my personality is random? Coz sometimes I will sulking when i diddnt got ur message, sometimes will say many love word, suka bikin love word like bulol, suka bikin ch, ppt, vid by template hahaha pokoknya kalau bucin all of my life its about you. Pengingat yang baik, tell me anything about you, although hal hal kecil sekalipun. If you need some reminder, ask to me. Bukan pria sempurna, but ill treat you as my queen if you be mine. Banyak nanya, puji syukur, kemungkinan besar tidak convokil, dan sebisa mungkin kamu juga jangan ya. Bukan pemberi saran yang baik, tapi bisa jadi pendengar yang baik. TMI, maybe I'm look like did'nt care, but fyi, I just dont know what should I do, what should I show. Kinda, boring ya? Hahaha, ya its okay, I know it very well. Sometimes, I do the same, bore with my characteristic. Disappear sometimes, bcz of what? Sleep its my hobby, also needed. Because do my homework, run to deadline, so sometimes late sleep till morning. Is'nt ghosting right, what is ghosting? Its a complicated things, for someone who very lazy like me. I will definitely treat you like a princess or as good as i can, I will always give you sweet words, I can be everything you want for example I can be a friend for you to tell stories or to be involved, I will be a good listener in your stories, I will be your support system, I will try to be the most comfortable home for you, and I will make you happy every day. This is the most important part, I'm a person who likes to tease but sometimes I like to provoke your emotions, for example sometimes I can be a very random person like I like to call our names without any purpose. If we have time to relax, we can spend your time watching movies together starting from watching romantic, adventure, anime or horror movies, and then we will play games together. This is the last but not the last, I'm a jealous person what else if I see you close or being teased by another guy, but don't worry I will not forbid you not to be close or be friends with guy. That's it, more information would be showed in our roomchat. See ya sweetie.

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