About Me

About Me

📢 Hey folks! My name is Michael Bekele aka Mikesew1320 a 25 years old Android enthusiastic and a remote Junior Full Stack web developer.

💹 Investing to teach himself something new related to his career & working for himself with all those great experianced & well-disciplined open-source contributors that makes me confused with their talent since I met them on this fkk web on those blessed days!

💹 Trying to be good at problem solving through my Fin⚙️Gers and little bit of Cerebrum usage since I Fall in ❤️ with my first love called Android! 🤣🤣🤣


🥣 Known for cracking apps from 2019-2022
🥣 Sucking and Licking with MTK Android devices custom ROMs and custom recovery specifically for TECNO devices running Android 7.0 and 10 since 2017
🥣 Little experience on Linux Kernels and image filea with a great experience on rooting Android phone with Magisk or Kernel SU and Xposed Framework installation and Modules with moderate hooking experience using the framework.

🧩 Educational Status: BSc Degree in Computer Science from Jimma University, Ethiopia and College Diploma(Level III) on Electronics and Electrical Equipment Installation and Maintenance from Jimma Poly Technic Collage (JPTC)

🔱 Hobbies: Cracking Apps/Softwares, Listening Music, Learning new things daily, Cycling

💥 Skills: Good enough on MERN Stack, PHP, MySQL, makefile, Bash Shell Scripting and little smali from Android Assembly.

🧑‍💻 Currently Learning: Python, C++, UI and UX design with Figma and Playing on Flutter.

✍️ Current Projects: Building my static personal Portfolio site using React JS & Bootstrap, MikoFlix(Movies and TV Series Streaming Android app powered by TMDB), Hacking SafariCom's local phone net lock via Firmware on their feature phone called Kimem Awaze amd Kimem Kerefa. Moved to hardware Hacking at Nov 15, 2023 [Trying to hack Canal+ receive and enable the disabled USB port at the back and enable recording and some other important stuffs.]

🌟Long Term Plans: Hacking whole banking systems locally and some governmental organizations that are in my mind! Let's meet after 20 years then. 🤣🤣🤣

👨‍💻 Dream companies that I need to work with in the future : TRANSSION HOLDING either for TECNO or Infinix division.




⚠️⚠️⚠️ Want to contact me for any inquiries? Just send me a legit(Don't say Hi or Hello plz) PM on Telegram! Am active 24/7 there. Spam or Random shit on PM will lead to immediate 🚫 BLOCK & Report! 🚫 ⚠️⚠️⚠️


😂😂😂Do you really read all the above placeboos? OMG!! Now I noticed that I am not the only noob and idiot boy. There is another idiot here! 😂😂😂


All the above statement is completely false and That person is the man in my mind not in real so plz stay away from me. Just worry about your self and your current status not about others!! Go fuck your shit!

Need last advise for you? Plz worry about yourself only!


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