About me

About me

Thomas H. Denton

Hello, my name's Thomas H. Denton, I'm aged 22. I'm a sound engineer and I do mixing. We have our own platform https://majormixing.com/ where we offer mixing and mastering services. I live with my parents the moment. I have a dog, his name is Mukhtar and I typically refer to him as fly. Fly is responsive to his name, which indicates that he is aware that the call was made to him. Fly was at my eyes like an infant. He was so tiny. I could even see how his eyes were opened. They're born blind. It was hilarious to witness the baby's first steps.

As he got older, I began teaching him a variety of commands. He started walking with me and would follow my instructions. It was a lot of fun, and he loved it. He was taught to use sticks and loved playing with balls. Fly would bring it to me and then ask me to play with it. He and I used to go for walks frequently and would run after each one. It was a wonderful idea that he loved. If Fly does not find me Fly barks at me. I am able to tell you that Fly will not find me and I'll go to hide. I love him so much, my Muhtar. When I go to work, he's waiting for me at the door.

We provide online mixing and mastering services to many artists as well as their labels. These are a few of our clients. Mixing and mastering are the two main elements of professional recording production, so good mixing and mastering is essential when recording an album that you want to sell. The one or the other can be utilized. If you're only creating a demo, you might be able get away with mastering, but it could not matter what you are trying to achieve from your demo. The more professional it is, the more likely it will aid in your pursuit which is why you'll want to put in the effort and money necessary for both.

Mixing is the art of mixing diverse sound layers to create one track or musically altering the sound of an existing track.

You're basically playing around with the music that you've recorded when you mix an album. Mixing a song requires adjusting faders and inserting effects. Consider mixing as the process of assembling the pieces of a puzzle. Mixing is the process of combining parts of what you've recorded, ensure that everything is in place before adding the finishing touches.

We're ready to assist you should you have any concerns. We'll get it done in a timely and high-quality manner.

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