about me

about me


this is an introduction aboutme hehe

my name is qaireen. you can call me qai/reen only. other nicknames = close friends only. sblm krg baca benda ni, pls excuse my typos (i am a fast typer and i'm lazy to correct my typos)

my favourite colour is idk because i love all colours. my hobby is cooking. i love watching dramas esp kdramas, my favourtie kdrama genre is mystery+suspense+thriller+romance. and my current fav kdrama rn is weak hero class 1. fav character from the show? suho ;). i love listening to music. my fav genre is pop/hiphop P: if you can tell, i love kpop hahaha i also love other genres, but it'll take a while to grow on me, or maybe i won't like it at all haha. my current favourtie songs rn are The Wind WE GO, ADYA What's Up, Miranni (feat. ph-1, HAON) Achoo, xikers Tricky House and BOYNEXTDOOR Serenade! (i will change them if i want to)

my mbti is isfj. my enneagram is type three (3w2). i am very sensitive and soft. i am an ambivert haha. i don't really talk to (afraid of) boys. i am very random (i say and do a lot of random things). so pls don't say "you're so random" to me bcs ik i am and sometimes that word kinda hurt me a bit. i like to do things alone (depends). i can read people's body language well so i do know if you're sad or uncomfortable w me or what so PLS DON'T HIDE THINGS FROM ME TELL ME SO PICK ME CHOOSE ME LOV-

-love languages. there are 5 love langauges (haha) which is physical touch, act of service, words of affirmation, gifts, quality of time. i love all of them. but let me rank them which one i like/do the most, to least;

  1. act of service
  2. words of affirmation
  3. physical touch
  4. quality of time
  5. gifts

entah la weh aku suka sume tu so hahahahaha

pet peeves

pet peeves means something that annoys me. i hate it when:

  • people don't have any respect for me. idc if you're older than me, or younger but you still need to have respect. if i say don't, then don't pls
  • people who say without thinking about people's feelings. i have an F on my mbti maybe that's why
  • when people cuss/swear (TOO MUCH). since i don't really cuss so i don't really like it when people cuss too much
  • when people say something 18+
  • people who talk bad about teachers. i hate this very much. if you do this, pls stay away from me :) (klau mcm "cg bg byk hw dho" still acceptable)
  • people who don't respect my opinion/people who don't agree w smth that i love to do
  • people who are SO NEGATIVE.
  • people who don't have common, simple manners (if u dunno what the examples are, i think ure the one)
  • there's more but i'm too lazy to wriyte more

okay bye akan ditmbh kalau aq nak mauaahahhahahuahuahuahau MUAHAHAH

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