About Me

About Me


before that, let's get to know each other, my name is Javor, you can call me "arou" or "jav". nice to meet you all, okay! let's continue.

ik im not good enough to describing myself but i'll give it a try. My name is Javor, is kinda weird but idc and yeah you can call me anything you want sweetie. i'm typically orang yang ramah ke semua orang, aku juga bisa pake segala jenis typing but "aku-kamu" is my favourite. oh i can be your boyfriend - daddy - big baby at different time. im a slow respons person, sorry hun :( aku sering main sama temen temenku jadi lupa kalo punya pacar :D lol kidding, im a busy person. I like to reply bbc one by one and i like to send a lot bbc. jangan ketipu sama intro aku, ini cuman pencitraan anjir typing english, aslinya gwa mah jamet bro 😁. but sometimes i'll bilingual (ina-chinese) lmfao kidding (ina-jameties). oh sometimes i'll call you with pet nome like "pretty, cutie, kitten, babe, hun" but aku sering banget manggil "yank" iya bro gue alay, alayfyu. tapi kalo kamu ngga suka bilang aja anjay. that's more about me anyway, selebihnya aku gabisa mendeskripsikan lagi disini, i want you to judge what kind of character i will be, of course during this time i will try to make you feel comfortable with me available. See you, my love.

yk? dating with me is fun! you get a comedian and pornstar in one

HAHAHAHHAHA, as u known, im a boy with ditry mind. sebelum sewa gue pikir pikir dulu lah. last warn, gue cabul kalo malem, kadang.

but choose me, pretty pleaseee

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