about me

about me


hey darl, aku ga terlalu bisa mendeskripsikan diri. so , i like a man who speaks softly, romantic and caring. Akuu bucin bangettt klo udah sayang, minus nya gampang jealousy hhehe. Talkative and clingy get a free kiss from me. what do i like? i like listening to music, reading novels and jeno but what I like the most is you. aku bisa jadi rumah kedua buat kamu, kamu bisa ceritain kejadian sehari² kamu sama aku atau kamu punya masalah, even if l don't help u solve your problems, at least u have someone to talk to. I like long text and i like to send ++3 bbc. Lastly, you can call me nay, nanay or whatever you like

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