About me

About me

Aaron S. Hillman

Hello, my name's Aaron S. Hillman and I'm 33 years old. I'm a teacher . I teach history, my favorite class at school. Teaching is among the most rewarding jobs anywhere in the world. It is the teacher who imparts knowledge, aids to gain insight into the world, teaches how to behave in difficult situations, how to deal with these situations with dignity, and how to remain human.

My path to teaching started in my early years. Today, I am unable to even remember the moment that this idea that I wanted to be a teacher first came to me. I'm sure that I was born with it.

In the process of deciding on an occupation I was affected by my school teachers. I loved watching the teaching of teachers, how they presented the material to us. Each teacher had their personal "twists" in teaching and learning, a technique known as "aerobatics". Some of these I have used in my job.

Nowadays, I'm a professor. A childhood dream has become a reality. I am a student teacher. This is more than a job, it is a way to live. It's the realization of an enormous responsibility to the state as well as society, and most importantly, the pupil. My first teaching experience was with a child. Behind the desks in my classes is the future of our nation. The future of our nation is based on the kind of person these youngsters become.

How to do assignments that are one hour long, you want to know? Homework plays a huge role in the activities of learning for a school student. After all, at school, he is given ready-made information that requires mechanical memorization. At home, students are taught to put these concepts into practice. The schoolboy is able to gain significant knowledge through the process of doing homework.

It is not advisable to delay your homework until late evening - at this time the student is unable to concentrate as relatives are home listening to TV and playing outside and they begin to get sleepy. It is recommended to complete the assignment when you are back from school. This is while all the information hasn't been left unnoticed.

To complete the homework assignment with ease the student should be proficient with the required theoretical material. Before beginning the task students should go over the outline given by the teacher, and then recall the information learned, and just before beginning the assignment.

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