About me

About me

Hello everyone!

My name is Polina. I am a UX/UI designer and I have been working in this field for about 4 years now. I love being UX/UI designer because it allows me to use and improve many skills, such as: logic, analytics, empathy, creativity, etc. I hope that working in this team will help me to improve my skills even more.. 

I graduated from banking, business admistration and UX/UI design. When it comes to UX/UI design I worked on different projects including, e-commerce, CMS system, and others. 

In my free time, I enjoy travelling, cooking, meeting new people,Latino dance. I am also interested in reading psychological books, they can help a lot in understanding my clients as well. 

I was told that I am going to work with very friendly and enthusiastic people, and I couldn't be happier for that. I hope that my new colleagues will be patient with my English, because I am already working hard to improve it!. 

I am looking forward to working with you in the future and to create a new, better and more beautiful virtual world. Thank you!

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