About me

About me

Marisa Lima Dias


 The first customers were among my acquaintances. And my mentor and coworkers were throwing me instances where they didn't have sufficient time or want.The legal literacy of the population is very low, so many individuals know absolutely nothing about advocacy. Lots of people call a lawyer of any lawyer, which naturally is wrong. The attorney is someone with a higher legal education, successfully passed the qualification examination, and in accord with the law obtained the standing of a lawyer. I am 34 years old, and I've got eight years working at a reputable law firm https://www.documentservices.ca/

I've a family-husband Derek, we have been married for approximately ten years and daughter Emily, who turns 12 this season. With my first husband, I am divorced, when it happened, my daughter and I were left alone. Together with Derek, we met in the University for the Master's diploma. Now we live happily with them. Even spend our free time, participated in common curiosity - paired dances. The whole household is engaged in the dance school. Daughter goes to choreography, and my husband and I go to the Argentine tango. We all really like to stop classes before anybody believes. My daughter has been quite flexible because she went dancing. My spouse and I went tango because we always dreamed of learning how to dance. Basically, we are pretty good at it. In dance, you are like you are constantly in movement and advancement. When it's social relationships or function. Dances noticeably broaden the circle of our communicating, life has become more intense there are forces for new achievements. My value as a individual strengthens and we often meet many unique men and women. 

My name is Marisa, I am employed as a civil and tax lawyer. In the pub I was a student. There's an internship in law schools - young attorneys begin to work under the advice of a mentor... At the start of my career that I was an assistant, I had an excellent patronage attorney. He taught me everything he knows, explained many professional and ethical issues, and as a lawyer trainee, and then I passed the qualification exam.



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