About me

About me

Patrick S. Beck

Hi, my name is Patrick S. Beck. I am 26 years old. I am an online worker. I'm always trying things that are new. Recently I discovered a website http://videoconverter.com/,

and I enjoyed the video editor on there I've been looking for something similar

to it for a while, and I was lucky, the user-friendly interface can support a variety of formats for video and audio. It was extremely useful in my position.

I can honestly tell you that, a couple of years ago I was unable to imagine doing any kind of humanitarian work. At the time, I was, naturally, a born "technician" . I had finished my technical college with an engineering degree. Like all graduates, I did not know what to do next. While living a life of starvation in the dormitories of college, all of us were preoccupied with only one thing - what was to come in the next few months? Future prospects were inaccessible, the part-time jobs were already filled up, and when I looked at the miserable wages of technicians and engineers it was incredibly sad. While surfing the web I came across an interesting website. My situation was described. And the man who came up with a solution. I have to admit that I read the report with a skeptical grin, suspecting another "swindle". However, in the course of going through the article, something caught my attention. the author.

My brain was in a frenzy of calculating the possible outcomes of what I could lose in the most dire scenario. We all want to be in control of the way we spend our time and not have to worry about work. It was worthwhile, I thought. Indeed, why not? In the end, I have nothing to lose. Of course, now I think back with a smile how timidly I took my first order when I first registered. I still remember my first $1000 I earned. And you know, I am grateful for the piece written by that person who shared his expertise. It's not for money, and certainly not from self-interest, but simply for enjoyment being aware that somebody might be in need of it at some point in their life.

Of course, this form of earnings, as all other methods of earning a living, is not easy at all. It has its challenges, its risks. But no one said it would be easy, life is full of challenges. Only we are able to make changes in our lives. It's easy to let go of the last when you stop doing something. For me , it was a chance, because the idea of working for pennies for an uncle is a common occurrence for college graduates. I found my own way and was unique from others.

It's impossible to do everything in one go. I had to study the basics of Russian after six years of studies, and then study the relevant literature. I was constantly trying to improve myself, to find successful turns of phrase. It was many hours of work. Now it is my main income. I don't spend my time in the office, since my computer serves as my office. Of course, to not be without a pension, I needed to secure a formal position with a small-sized firm in the specialty, but I was able to negotiate with the boss and I am there every two weeks, bringing finished projects. I earn an amount of money that I don't even look at. I choose how long I work and when I'm home from work. I think everyone wants to wake up each day, not because of a ringing alarm, but simply getting a good night's rest. That's all that matters to me. I'm very happy with the way it turned out, since I'm happy in my job, and I really enjoy it, and I hope you can find your way at ease in this world, too. You're in good hands!



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