About Me

About Me


Who am I ?

as said, I'm A, I'm a Swiss guy who currently lives in China. I am the son of an Italian immigrant and a Dominican woman, due to some legal problems, my father was forced to escape abandoning everything, bringing with him also his parents: my grandparents. Obviously ASAP I had the opportunity I ran away too, I first went in India to my father, then I went to live for a period in Turkey, where I opened AG Softwares. later I closed it and opened it in China, after moving there. After learning Chinese, I opened a small factory, AG Motors, financed with the earnings of AG Software (trasformed in AG 软体), and with the help of the Chinese government. I started building cars for the government (just think of AG 豪华 (AG Luxury)). After developing and building the first prototypes of the "AG 23" I encountered the first legal problems, due to the unreliability of the first models (here it is customary to sell the prototypes at double the price, usually those who buy them are prominent personalities), to save my ass, I decided to open AG 行政 (ex AG A&L -> AG Accounting and Lawery, now is AG 行政 -> AG Administration), despite everything, I was very successful, and I decided to "treat myself" in a restaurant (Obviously, I decided to brand it AG as much ..) AG Foods, later I decided to buy a house with my girlfriend of the time, that is Roberta and I opened AG Buildings, with which I built my house. later I opened the AG Sellery, and the AG Shopping Center. Now just talk about what I have, I want to describe myself physically so..

How am I physically ?

I'm 66inches short, and i'm a bit fat (a lot). But when i started my "new life" in china, I was thinner, now I'm like that:

This is a rappresentation of me, i've used "Make Human 3d" Software, but asap I Will create my avatar using other softwares.

The link: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEwFntWCvfS8gBEbdg

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