About me

About me

Sarah B. Baker

  Hi, my name is Sarah, I am 44 years old and I'm a PR professional. PR professional is a concept that came to my life around 7 decades back. I wish I could write about it without any pathos, but I can't. Within my sincere belief, PR expert is an international profession. Whatever the situation, for the very first time, I am making money doing something which gives me pleasure. I can't say that writing articles - my primary income, although it is a job, alongside a hobby. It's a hobby I can hardly do without. I could already call myself a PR professional, while a year or two ago I was simply a PC user without any particular skills.

We https://marketingunitech.com/ sell actual traffic for Chrome extensions, CPA offers with first and unclaimed bids, and advertising placements from our drive notification program. A payment model for advertising or online promotion services in which the client pays for targeted actions taken by the traffic drawn. Every client decides for himself which acts to cover. Conversions are monitored utilizing metrics and affiliate systems joined to the site.

The owner of the site is convinced in getting a return on investment in promotion. He fails to pay for displays and clicks, and just targeted actions. The client knows exactly how much money he will invest, and what return he will get. This allows more accurate income forecasts and costs planning. The contractor is interested in attracting the utmost sum of conversion traffic. The more target activities are done on a site, the more money he'll earn.

CPA payment has become the most transparent and valuable model for the two parties. One has 100 percent prospects, while the other has no limitations to his earnings, which rely just on his efforts.

This method of advertising is suitable for both Internet stores and internet projects, the major purpose of which is revenue, in addition to businesses engaged in online marketing (SEOmarketing context, SMM). The CPA model allows them to attract more customers. Speak to us and we will help you to achieve great business results.

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