About me

About me

Nina Panasyuk

  At that time, I had been studying at the 5th year of the above-mentioned university and hadn't yet decided on my future profession. After getting my master's degree, I had two choices: to continue my postgraduate studies or in a specialization (teacher-teacher) to go to college and teach children math. I didn't need to educate dry theory of math for several years, I didn't want to go to college, in which the pay is not high. Not thinking long, I agreed to Miroslav's proposal (my first boss). I began studying Python, Plone CMS and everything they were doing at the time.

 Hello! My name is Nina, I'm 24 years old, in 2019 I graduated in the Kharkiv National Karazin University, mechanics and mathematics faculty, I entered this faculty only because at college I enjoyed mathematics over other areas. But even at college I started to actively engage in athletics tourism, hiking in the hills, contests for college. And in these hikes, the mind of our group, was my upcoming chief, who afterwards, once I graduated from university, provided to test himself as a programmer. At the moment, they were simply expanding their employees, so I'm programming today and found my favourite action, possibly only a fantastic coincidence.

 So I needed to program on Python, on the Web, utilizing Plone CMS. Although Python is a very simple language, for someone who has never programmed anything written one line of code, it's a really difficult undertaking to start with!

 Therefore, the very first few months were extremely tricky. I even asked for help many times in https://writer-works.net/ . I was given tasks, I had come home, I'd dig up, and after a while I had come to the firm with a bag of questions along with dead ends, and then there they'd help me and guide me in the perfect direction. In other words, the practice was at the level of mentorship, once you're informed in the way to go, and also to address issues and ask the appropriate questions already have to find out yourself.


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