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Tom Smith

Hello to all! My name is Tom Smith, I am 27 years old. I live in California, USA. I am a loan expert at https://theguaranteedloans.com/

Today I wanted to tell you about the credits, namely about the tricks and tricks in processing loans.

We, for example, do not put a list of monthly payments in a contract to a person, which shows how much he will pay in the end. We rest on the monthly payment, which is usually quite small, even if the loan is very expensive. To say “every month you will pay 2 thousand rubles” is always better than “in general the phone will cost you 25 thousand rubles”.

Naturally, if a person buys some very expensive TV, no one will put him 75%: the amount is decent, anyone will feel that something is wrong.

Some creditors first calculate the amount of the payment at one rate to the client, and then, at the time of processing the loan, they charge a higher interest rate in the hope that the person will not read the contract - often such a frank deception rolls.

We also earn on insurance. There are three types of them: life insurance (if you die or get a disability, the bank will pay the loan for you), insurance against losing your job (you will not pay the loan if you lose your job) and insurance of the goods (you will not pay if the product stops working ). All these insurance policies are very tricky, for example, insurance against losing a job is valid only if you have been reduced or the company has declared itself bankrupt. That you damaged the goods yourself, you still have to prove, and so on.

Of course, all types of insurance are voluntary, but we, without asking, include them in the contract. And if the client is wondering why we took out insurance for him, we say that the bank has already approved the loan with insurance included and if he wants to refuse, then he will have to send a request to the bank again and the loan may not be agreed upon. This is, of course, a lie. But any insurance issued doubles my bonus, so I have to lie.

Not only your salary depends on the indicators that you give out for a month. If we do not earn so much, then we will not be charged additional bonuses, and our boss will not receive an award.

Of course, we understand that we are not doing a very good thing. Between ourselves we constantly joke that all credit specialists will go to hell (although there we will issue loans to all the devils). Yes, we breed people. But we all reassure ourselves that people are guilty of their own stupidity.

And the fact that we have to do it. We are given tasks that we have to cope with, no matter how. If you have to cheat - cheat. Why do we comply with such requirements? This is our job, we have no other.

And the people we work are different. There is, for example, a Muslim girl from a very religious family. She says that she is in life and at work - they are two different people. I do not know what she is like in life, but among credit specialists she is the most welcome in our country.

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