about me

about me


haii darll, im brianná wells u can call me anything u want, it's up to u.

first of all

aku org nya cerewet BANGET‼️‼️‼️, mood ku suka naik turun sprti 🎢🎢🎢, aku org nya sgt talkative, but im a good listener too🦫

i can be your supportt system and your second home, km bisa cerita hal yg bikin km sedih atau kesal ke aku, nanti orgnya aku jitak smpe mampus

my lovlang is Words of Affirmation, im a random person too! im a jealous personn, and im scared of spider but i love spiderman haha.

aku biasanya suka ngetik panjang2 pke capslock jugaa, kalo ngomongin mark and cowo2 au 💋💋

oops! time is up, kalo mau tau lebi lanjut ttg aku bisa rc ya bae

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