About me

About me

Lisa Perova

  Hello, my name is Lisa, I'm a manager, I work in https://dakineshop.ru/, I have a fantastic job. I got a job right after graduation. I would like to become a fashion designer or quite a woman fashion designer. I don't love everything that is happening now with trends. I've got my own preference, my own look... I really don't like things which are normal. It's when they're grey and the same, like a uniform.

 But today a very simple pair of jeans and a cool T-shirt or sweatshirt and ballet flats have gotten such a uniform for people. And frequently from the roads, I see the exact same girls! Now the pair is as follows: tight jeans, some men's striped shirt sweatshirt, the exact glasses. It is all so funny!

 I also always like things that are unusual, but not brassy. The line is sometimes thin... But you only have to have taste, a feeling of style. I hope I've got it!

My girlfriends and I go searching for I always help them. Occasionally we must argue. As an instance, my friend did not need to obtain a gray dress, like it is dull. Not at all! It is resilient, it fits her perfectly, the cloth is good, the color matches her... And if it is dull you can wear beads, then add a brooch, a jacket, a scarf. And you each time a new image that is appropriate to this circumstance. And after that you get matters together with patterns, nothing fits anything. And all trendy, which goes out of fashion! No, I've got a preference.

But it's not sufficient for me to become a stylist, because I draw dresses! And I wish to make them, not simply unite them. When I was a kid my favorite toy was a doll, for that, I sewed dresses and even knitted myself. And it turned out great - together with each detail. Generally, I sewed dolls for all my girlfriends also.

I also follow fashion styles; I adore stations where they show trend displays. It's so fascinating to watch the growth of style. Just how something bores individuals and something comes back into fashion, though they believed it'd never come back. And so many new materials and fabrics appear. Fashion designers are freer and freer to realize their ideas. And it is good that garments are getting more environmentally friendly!

 It's apparent that everything out of the catwalk comes into life in a somewhat modified form. That's fine, in principle, though. It is the roads, not the catwalk. But I'd like to make such fashion parties, to do the basic - new clothes! My shops would start, my design will be comprehended. Cool!

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