About me

About me

Diana Shevchenko

Hi. My name is Diana Shevchenko. I'm 29 years old. At the moment I am divorced from my spouse. I am bringing up a young child alone. I work as a waitress in a cafe.

 A friend of mine suggested I locate a therapist and talk to him about it. I wasn't sure about it for a long time, but she suggested a website at which you are able to discover a lot of professionals https://www.qui.help/ . The task of qui.help will be to assist an individual to select , out of all of the tested therapists, the one with whom he'll get the necessary changes in his entire life will begin. It's more than necessary to pick your therapist and work with him or her. Trust is the most important thing between the customer and the therapist and also if it is not there will not be any success in the work. Luckily on this site I found a person who was close to me and we found a rapport. It took me several months of therapy but today I feel much better.

 Some time back I dwelt a typical happy life. For many years my husband cheated on me, however I never thought about it. When I discovered it, I realized that there wasn't any other manner and we have to break up because I just couldn't live with him anymore. Despite the fact that it had been my choice to divorce my husband that the first time I wasn't myself. You lie on the mattress, so you don't want anything whatsoever, you do not feel, do not see and don't hear. Nothing can catch you up, you're just a living corpse. And alongside you is the loyal friend depression, she envelops you and clings to you closer and closer, leaving no space for anything. Someone calls you, what's foggy, you do not listen, you simply"hoot," you can not tell anybody what's wrong with you personally. I was like this for approximately a month. I was fortunate, when I chose to change my life that way my mom helped me take my daughter in for some time. She is 8 years old and she understood a great deal of stuff on her own, however I was not positive if I'd give her as much as she desired to make her pleased . Melancholy was eating out at me and I just didn't need to do anything. It was just like my entire life was flipped upside down, and I knew I needed help, because it couldn't go on like this for long.

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