About me

About me

Vlad Globchak

When I first started working with Biotus I liked their idea and concept at the same time. In between, the thought of producing the company appeared in 2014. The urge to provide Ukrainians first American vitamins and nutritional supplements came to the founders of the site after successfully treating her kid together for many decades. Seeing the very clear outcome of her efforts, the necessity to examine the topics of biological correction of some ailments with the help of particular food, supplements and vitamins appeared. That is how the website https://biotus.com.ua/  was born, which now pleases many users, who can buy quality products at quite pleasant rates. On the website there is a blog where you are able to read many useful articles on a variety of topics that can pay for your gaps in understanding of particular points. Our skillful copywriters compose long but very insightful posts that everybody can find what he desires and learn as much advice as possible to cover most of your questions and find out something new for yourself. This is essential.

 Hi. My name is Vlad Globchak. I'm 27 years old. I'm from the town of Kiev. I perform Search Engine Optimizer (SEO) from the Biotus firm, which sells high-quality vitamins from the U.S., as well as natural makeup. I studied Computer Science and Information Systems at the National Transport University.

 I'm a person who constantly keeps an eye on his / her health. I try to lead a wholesome way of life, to eat correctly. After a year and sometimes when it's necessary I have different medical tests to detect some defects. It is necessary, because you should not prescribe treatment on your own and it is much better to do actual tests, that will show exactly what you will need to do in such circumstances. I normally do them at some laboratory I have been to and then I'll share it with my doctor. Additionally, I like active sports, like skateboarding in the winter or skydiving. Sports are always good, but it must also be enjoyable. For me personally, this is very important.

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