About me

About me

Gregory Vasiliev


 At the very first stressful time, you continue to a"stash" and the expectation that things will get better. It is impossible that such a large territory in the middle of Europe can turn into a dump! If you do not watch TV and do not go to the news sites on the Internet, nothing appears to be happening. People are still walking the streets, children are licking ice cream, so guys are smooth-shaven, women are wearing shoes that are new. Maybe it's all happening in my mind.

 We used to think about this book as an inanimate object. But is it so? Many of us do not even recognize that it can be our very best friend, a smart teacher, a senior coach. There are an excellent many books in each house, and they all carry their own particular story. Every book has its own soul, its own destiny. And it does not matter whether it's thick or thin, whether it is a book or a detective story - every author puts his heart into it.

 Maybe it is not the nation in an emergency, but I have reached a point where it is time for me to reformat myself. The kids have grown up, in my livelihood reached the ceiling (in their capacities). Do not make new friends at 40 years. With relatives, also, what's clear. Whom I didn't encourage in his time - mo. me today don't desire, and who will not let on the doorstep itself. That's the reason why novels are my friends.

 An artist ought to be hungry. What a fallacy. Maybe not jaded, but not famished. Left without a profession, one stops to be curious about politics, news, sports. Everything is simple: one's own is another's.

 Time flies imperceptibly. Here already four decades behind. Life was laid out based on your typical matrix. School, college, marriage, kids, more school. Just like everyone else. And the catastrophe! Stop the automobile. You plunge into another reality.

 Do you wonder how all these years, all these educators, doctors, speech therapists, and typesetting operators endured from my side? How have they lived for many years on those pennies? And did not they grief, did not they go mad? Or perhaps being under that sort of stress for so long doesn't have some bright spots? Maybe it's the fact that the overwhelming bulk of the country's populace is overrun by hopeless poverty that is preventing the country from spreading its wings and creating breakthroughs in science, culture, and technologies.

 Hi, my name is Gregory, I am 40 years old. I am employed as a programmer https://vihrrussia.ru Since childhood I was accustomed to reading books, in the evenings we sat and discussed the book we had read. So, I had been fond of reading, I needed to stick to the destiny of individuals, their personalities. I disagreed with a few people and with other people, on the contrary, I enjoyed them.

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