About me

About me

Vitaly Gromov


 Even keeping pets is a real hobby. For instance, I've had a tortoise since I was 22 and it has been for more than 20 decades now! I've had fish, a couple of cats, I still have two of them, I adore them! There are no limits to deciding on a hobby - it can be anything, as long as you find it interesting and pleasurable.

 Hi, my name is Vitaly, I am 42 years old. I'm an engineer https://resantarussia.ru I am a happy man; I have a wife and two kids. I love to spend time with my children; however, I have hobbies in my life. And I try to entice my kids for my hobbies. My initial hobby came after I was 5 years old and I got to a photo-opener. And 27 years of hobby of wireless electronics with me always!

 It is sad to hear people ask," Why do you need a hobby?" - I think that if an individual has previously asked such a question, it's a complicated situation... Recently, I have begun asking folks (mostly women) if they have any hobbies, the answers have disappointed me, many regrettably by the time of majority have hobbies nor pursuits - it is a nightmare, and there are many such people. So, what do quests and hobbies give a person?

 Then the life record of my hobbies was added to, consequently, it turned out that by his years I have a hundred actions, unfinished business constantly and unrealized thoughts, since time is simply inadequate for anything, even though not sleep - still don't have enough time, and you still wish to unwind. I completely agree with the announcement that with no hobby and hobby, people simply become bored with life, so he will not be curious about people as well as himself.

 Hobbies are excellent to manage anxiety, hobbies help divide the circle of life and social circle, to find new buddies. A hobby is an activity for the soul, which consequently, people do for free time. Most of us recognize that the best job - it's beloved work, which brings not just a salary but also delight. That is why if your hobby additionally brings you a good income, which can support your whole family - then we could say you are lucky.


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