About me

About me

Angela Krasnova


 Hi, my name is Angela, I am 29 years old. I'm a newcomer, I perform at https://jabrarussia.ru Let us start by figuring out exactly what a writer would be? This is an individual who has a rich internal world. A person - who understands how to beautifully put words to some literary masterpiece. One - whose job could be safely called creativity. His task is to discuss his thoughts, experiences, emotions, and emotions with others.

Creativity is a potent force of a writer. Because, even gifted people, at the beginning of their career were little known to anyone. But today they have reached great heights.

 And if you think logically, then, any person who will write has the opportunity to become eloquent. Even you and I, sending each other letters and messages every day, making notes in the journal, filling out the magazine closely associate our lives with writing. But so as to become truly famous, you must work hard. You cannot be born and become famous immediately for that you need to make an attempt.

We can safely say that the expression of a writer isn't the person who writes, but the person who is read is true. After all, many people write, however, just a few could be read. This is a well-deserved status of a person who isn't only read and forgotten, but somebody who'll be re-read over once.

 Unfortunately, in the present world, quite a few excellent authors. Just those whose publication may wish to take within their palms. Most novels are written only to get cash, and perhaps not for your own reader.

 The contemporary author is extremely different from people prior to the nineties. They'd put each of their ideas in their writings, run them during their minds, and only then publish them. Now writers write first and then proceed in their writing.

  Often publishing complete crap, completely uninteresting for anyone. Because of this, it ends up that modern literature is just a brand. Promoted for your money for the tick. Printed not on paper, but in a digital version. Imposing its imagination on everyone who knows how to work with a computer or laptop and understands a tiny bit what the Internet is.



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