About me

About me

Ivan Akimov


 Hi, my name is Ivan, I am 23 years old. I'm a courier, I operate in https://i-clebo.ru And since childhood, I had been taught to observe almost all vacations. This is definitely the most memorable of my life. In our family the holidays are interesting, thus we look forward to not just the holidays but also the opportunity to get ready for them.

 We discuss in advance where and how we will celebrate a specific holiday, just our family sees the New Year at home. And despite this, the preparation begins long before the vacation, not just buy presents, but we think through a scenario of the vacation skits, contests, games, and incentive prizes. Even for those who are unexpectedly coming into our celebration we consistently have a gift.

One person to deal with everything is just not realistic, and so every family member is accountable for his role. My dad and brother, below my mother's strict guidance, buy groceries, my mother and sister clean the flat and cook supper, and I prepare the script for the celebration. If someone can't take action, we assist each other. There is a lot of holidays on New Year's Eve and now we must think over the script for all the days, so every day is occupied and we don't notice how the weekend rolls by.

For birthdays, our household prefers to visit the theater or the Philharmonic. After a joyous family feast, then all of us get together and visit a play and it is fun and intriguing. Last time we didn't manage to visit the theater but we moved to a town excursion and learned a lot of interesting things about our native town. On March 8 and February 23, we occasionally go to the hills or just to the countryside so that it doesn't harm either men or women.

 Those who were born in summer, my mum and older sister, will be the luckiest people, thanks to them we sometimes go to the sea or hot springs. We've got an excellent holiday. When we're younger, we had been taken to playgrounds or the playground on vacations. Even our trips to the country home are miniature picnics. If a vacation coincides with a holiday, we cook. My parents feel that at the countryside we must not only work but also relax.

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