About me

About me

Mikhail Lavrov

  A copywriter is somebody who enjoys life in all its manifestations. The copywriter writes about exotic nations and PVC pipes, even about French wines and VAZ cars, about love to the tomb and cytomegalovirus disease... In the world, there's no subject that's prohibited or unavailable for copywriter because every copywriter is a person, who is hooked on the information. As an inveterate smoker cannot imagine his life without a cigarette, so a legitimate copywriter can't begin the day without fresh info.

 Hi, my name is Mikhail, I am 31 years old, so I am a professional, I perform at http://pipedream-russia.ru/ Individuals usually start considering their profession from an early age. A month earlier I was five I recognized for the first time exactly what I wanted to be: a streetcar driver, even the red-and-yellow one that filled the springtime roads with joyful calls and transported couples timidly kissing each other into the shore of April... When spring came, I successfully forgot about my fantasies, deciding the best job on earth was a cotton candy distributor in a park: Is there anything more beautiful than giving people joy, even if it costs money?

 I have met people who believe copywriting is dull, monotonous, and regularly performance and copywriters are like machines shoveling a lot of absurd and useless info and writing rambling texts for robots. However, is it? No, any copywriter is a true creator who tries to breathe life into everything he has to write about: wrought iron grills, air conditioners, auto components, applications, and hundreds of other, far from things.

 I then tried on a whole bunch more professions: the planned to visit the North Pole to study the life of polar bears, subsequently stunned my parents and teachers, stating I want to be a pathologist, afterward, despairing to solve a challenging problem at the math course, imagined how I would sweep the streets in the crochet vest sweeper-alcoholic uncle Vase... But all these plans were fated to fail. My childhood and adolescence are behind me, and that I wonder about my profession, but proudly say:" I am a copywriter!

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