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About me

Vasiliy Strizhkov

 A well-designed project must consist of real production capabilities, selection of suitable materials and elements which can fulfill the demands of the final product. It's not advisable to make a project relying on manufacturing limitations. It is better to take a step back into the layout norms and provide yourself with guarantees of order fulfillment with no issues than to sabotage the deadlines of order fulfillment. By way of example, if fabrication is capable to perform conductors in diameter of 0,1 mm such design standard is better not to use without actual requirement. In case the project permits, it's possible to lay down diameter of conductors and clearances at 0,15 mm that will substantially simplify production, will decrease cost of fabrication and will create guarantees of timely operation of your purchase.

To ensure that the undertaking will perform its intended function in a certain array of internal and external conditions, it's important to check that the layout is correct. These conditions could include component accuracy, speed range, operating temperature ranges, vibration and shock loading conditions, humidity and supply voltage ranges. Historically, this was done by designing layouts and prototypes which have been rigorously analyzed. As systems and their software became more complex, this method became increasingly less and less decent. To address this problem, software were created that allowed a computer to simulate a purpose without design it. These versions made it possible to do tests much quicker and more rigorous and flexible than could be expected from virtually any design or model.

Hello, everyone reading this article! My name is Vasily Strizhkov, and I am the top engineer of the company https://axonim.com/. You may read comprehensive information about our actions and our accomplishments at the link below, and now we'll discuss the first phase of development of any digital apparatus - PCB layout.

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