


Ahmad Mohammad Hossein Baluchi Name: Ahmad
Father's Name: Mohammad Hussein Mother's Name: Nasrin
Hometown; Zahedan
Birth date; October 2, 1997
Resident: United Arab Emirates / Belize / Africa
Religion: Uncertain
Occupation: Astrologer, astrophysicist, English and Spanish teacher, cosmologist, epidemiologist, diaspora, writer, inventor, designer of nitrate rockets, manufacturer of spyware,
In the second month of October 1997, he was born into a middle-family, he is the last member of his family , and his father was a tribal elder and merchant of tea and textiles.
He was very interested in learning, at the age of 5, he started reading and writing.​

According to him, at the age of 5, he wrote every name he saw on the street or shop’s title on his notebook without knowing what the meaning of that word or name was,
and this was the beginning of his writing, until gradually when he became a student .
The first day he had read the school book for the teacher,
The teacher was interested in his talent and his teacher said to his father about his talent .
but this was ignored by the father of Ahmad Baluchi.
He reminded his family that the school's topics were frustrating for him, and for this reason he read the pamphlet.
At the age of nine, he asked his father to enroll him at the language academy because he was particularly interested in learning foreign languages. At the age of 15, he finished English and could teach

But after completing a degree, he literally burned up his degree with his knowledge of readability.
They thought he had a psychological problem,
but he said, except that a piece of paper could identify all the science of one person?

‏According to Ahmad Baluchi, his mental changes began at the age of 15, and after reading English, he read a lot of books in English and Farsi.
‏He studied religious matters before he was 15 years old.
‏He has studied most religions and beliefs, but he does not consider himself to be a follower of any religion.
‏At the age of 16, he began teaching free of charge at the Makki mosque of Zahedan and taught English to his age-old students.
‏In this case, he did not say anything to his family . He was a high school student, but he was an empirical scientist.
‏A short time later his science and physic teachers have spoken with his father about his talent for learning and asked him if he could take him out of Iran, but Ahmad himself was opposed because he had a special interest in his homeland

Although he traveled to countries those are around Iran with his father in the age of 7 and resided in the UAE for some time
, he returned to Iran.
He spent almost eight months in Iran every year, and for four months in the UAE, he said that he had read English books in the UAE for four months, which was not found in Iran, and signed up in some astronomical institutes and left the Iran to Emirates in the same years when he insisted. And he read most of his books through
At the age of 18, he wrote his first book, Dark Facts and later, by changing the name to the fact from their side, but this book was not published in Iran because the subject of his book was about several girls who had left the religions and for their beliefs with individuals Religion have fought and ....

Along with that, he completed the Spanish language, after which he set up the esperanza Academy in the Emirates.
He teaches through this academy free of charge, and according to his words, Ahmad Baluchi aims to build a modern, literate society away from the material. Along with that, 3 hours a day, through the virtual space, teaches free-to-air language to his compatriots inside Iran.

With his young age has studied a lot of sciences and has recently started teaching astronomy, he has a particular interest in the cosmos and astronomy.
When he was 19, at one of the NASA-controlled faculties in the UAE, he succeeded in acquiring his astronomy Afterwards, through this faculty, he sent his research to NASA, but only served for one year, because the NASA's Lasionaround Division was dismissed by NASA due to high costs, but in the short term, He had many uses of it, including the construction of nitrate-based missiles along with its counterparts, and the science Second and strengthened his cosmology

‏Ahmad Baluchi has had several rocket experiments with his colleagues, including: somka, somka fighter, apathetic, mad-9, my baluchistan, fob-1
‏A long time ago, my Balochistan rocket tested in one of the African countries And now he is developing another missile called the FOB-1 (future of Baluchistan) Balochistan's tomorrow
‏And is scheduled to be tested in 2018 The missile will carry some of the names of Iranians and Baluchs Ahmad Mohammad Hussein says the missile is just for hope for the same age and that's why their names will be stamped on it.

‏Apart from his missile profession, he also succeeded in building a UAV in 2015, giving a UAV to UAE
‏New generation is new generation NGIS-1 (new generation is smart). According to NGIS , they will be the smartest UAVs because they will be able to carry 3 to 6 destructive bombs and 14 bombs (smoke) and capability to capture images with thermal cameras and night vision. But according to him, the missiles that make up drone and any other instrument that will be built in the future will not allow them to be used against humans.

When it announced the launch of a missile to its neighbors, it was ridiculed because its missiles were made of sugar and potassium nitrate, and nobody believed that such a thing would be possible, although he had previously had a history of burning his degrees, they thought his Which is surely a mental problem But after the experiment, everything changed

‏Religious Beliefs
‏In the past, he has been a religious man, who has read the period of hadith and commentary at the Makki mosque of Zahedan, but at the present time he does not consider himself a Muslim because he says that current Islam, Islam is not love and is a hatred of Islam. He is a feminist.
‏According to him, the Qur'an has not been properly interpreted and interpreted, and everyone interprets it for its own benefit, and rejects numerous and repeated marriages because it says that the Quran has forbidden many marriages and does not have the effect of propagating the prophets In his opinion, he left every official prophet, and this tradition was strengthened like a tradition, but Ahmad Mohammad Hossein Baluchi is completely opposed and says that I only love the Quran, and I do not believe in the god who believes in it, because they are God-forgiving and But God is a merciful true

Political beliefs
He is a nationalist, and in the past he was a hard-nosed Natalian figure in his room, but after a while he hated politics because he says that politics is based on populism and that no politician will be successful without deceptive people.
Personal beliefs
In general, it fights for humanity and its surroundings Calls for humanity Although it has built weapons, it has not worked with any organization to sell them yet, because it believes that weapons should not be used against human beings, but weapons are made for weapons, not human beings And because of this, it decides not to cooperate with any organization because, according to him, organizations use weapons only to kill human beings. And believes that a piece of paper does not determine the level of science of anyone

In another position,
he believes that the family and such things do not help Balochistan's progress. For this reason, he calls himself Balochi, but in fact he is from the Rigi tribal.

Source www.baluchnation.com

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