The Privacy Restoration Project

The Privacy Restoration Project


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What Is This Site?

This blog is a new approach to getting information to the public at large. Important information that will hopefully raise your awareness as to the amount and the severity of data gathering and surveillance occuring in our everyday lives.

This is not a tinfoil-hat conspiracy site. This a blog based solely on facts and information that will show you the different ways companies and governments gather information either without your consent, or without your knowledge, even if you did consent.

I'll highlight security breaches, companies that misuse customer data, as well as privacy and security risks. Not only will I highlight these, I'll show you how to protect yourself from unscrupulous data gathering and lax security practices by companies that hold your data.

This isn't a sexy topic. And it may not sound terribly exciting, but security and data breaches are happening practically daily now, and it's happening to the largest companies and services you use every day.

So Why Is This "Different"?

Well, I'm trying something new in how I get this information out to the People. This blog is a mixture of a traditional website/blog and leverages private and secure mobile messaging services. All of which respect your privacy and security, as well as mine.

Here's the ways you can access this blog without compromising your privacy or security:

  • The website uses a free and anonymous blogging platform called
  • uses no cookies or trackers so your visits are private
  • All the website content will also be available as Telegram and Viber channels, giving you more than one way to privately and securely access this important content.
  • Telegram and Viber are both free messaging apps that are available for all types of computers as well as Android and iOS.
  • All communications when using Telegram or Viber are encrypted, safe, and secure. Therefore, you'd also be able to use it with your friends and family to chat and call securely.

How To Access This Blog

It's really simple, and you can choose the way(s) that work for you:

  • Bookmark this website and check back regularly as there are no RSS feeds or mailing lists to join
  • Access all posts in the Privacy Restoration Project's Telegram channel page. You don't need a Telegram account, and it's a web page just like this one.
  • Use Telegram Messenger and join the Privacy Restoration Project Channel. Your membership in the channel is private and member information is NEVER disclosed.
  • Use Viber Messenger to access our Viber community by searching for "Privacy Restoration Project".

None of these methods disclose who you are, or any information about you, and none of these methods use cookies, and will not be able to identify you or share personally identifiable information.

Looking forward to helping you restore your privacy both online and offline.

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