

I am an Australian citizen who spent much of my life in Africa, having left Australia as a small boy. Returning here has been a nightmare, one that is shared by many Africans.

Most of us struggle to be given jobs according to our skills and abilities, we have to be ten times better than the local due to widespread Aussie nepotism and incompetence.

We are financially worse off, we face cultural challenges, social exclusion, discrimination, lack of work opportunities and exploitation.

When we get jobs they tend to be below our standard and those above us are often less qualified and competent. But the government and system do nothing about it.

If we speak out we are punished by loss of jobs or retribution from those we complain about. Getting justice when we are wronged is virtually impossible.

So I decided to do something about it, and that is Africa2020.com -- spread this among all that you know and visit often. Our aim is to be happy, healthy and wealthy by 2020.

Instead of hoping for the government and its corrupt agencies to help us, or for help from those that despise us, we are going to help ourselves.

On this site I will show you how to save money, make money, and trade services between ourselves without using the Australian dollar, thus increasing our wealth.

At first this is being launched only in Adelaide, but if you are in another Australian city and willing to help by offering to be accounts administrator there, are competent with accounting, and competent with the use of Webtalk, then send me a message on Webtalk and we will look at expanding this service to other cities.

My profile on webtalk

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