


I'm Eric.

I do web development.

My interests come from my mood, sometimes I play the guitar, sometimes I listen to music, etc.

I focus on something interesting.

I have several projects created by me for my own needs. You can see them here. During my professional experiences, I had the opportunity to work with 10 projects, among them have projects, was I created from scratch (mostly web sites).

I also worked with such technologies as: ASP .NET, PHP, Javascript, Python, Perl, C, Bash, HTML5, CSS3, SCSS/SASS, PostCss, Wordpress, Laravel, Programming Principles, Git/Mercurial etc.

It turns out my stack is LAMP.

Differently it Full Stack or Web Developer , not sure :) I think that I just Web Developer.

My Contacts you can see here.

I can share to you my simple cv, if it's will necessary.

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