


Ancestral Supremacy it’s a space focused on the research of the eco-extremist movement, in here we share, encourage and delve into critics and discussions from an ecological, ancient and nihilist perspective on modern humanity, civilization and human progress. We put forward analysis and reflections that oppose the ethical and moral values of this era, thoughts that emerge from an organic way to see and understand the world, primitive lifestyles or just iconoclastic. To sum up, this blog studies the antropocene and its origins along with the ecological consequences of technology and modern humanity over wild nature, including the human species within it. This studies are based essentially on anthropological, ecological and philosophical methods, recurring to data taken from other sciences and also looking up to ancient knowledge and practices.

This project acknowledges that there are other primal life perspectives that don’t fit within the artificial lifestyle of the civilized human being and they do not compromise with what is regarded as “righteous” to the western society, its politics and its values, but they must be taken into consideration and respected anyway. What we are seeking is to discuss this ideas that interact between them organically, without giving in to what was established by civilization.

We repit that this space is dedicated exclusively to the production of literature and the spreading of any journalistic or investigative material that seeks to study the eco-extremist movement and/or other sharp critics to civilizations and the antropocene. Within the activities of the blog we also include the dissemination of news and data regarding the effects of the progress of civilization over the environment.

We don’t have any links whatsoever with the radical groups that advocate for actions in the name of the mentioned tendency and we do not reproduce their communicates on our website. Neither we take part or support any kind of illegal activity.

We wish you a good reading.

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