

  1. Choose the correct item:

  1. A (rolls)                                                                                   5. B (vinegar)
  2. C (studying)                                                                            6. B (pass)
  3. A (Put on)                                                                               7. С (bowl)
  4. A (make)                                                                                 8. B (course)

   B. Put the words under the correct headings.

Vegetables:        9. cucumber

Dairy products:  10. cheese

                           11. yoghurt

Seafood:            12. prawns

                           13. mussels 

Meat:                  14. beef

                           15. veal

С. Replace the words in bold with a synonym. Choose from the words in the box below.

16. broke down

17. works out

18. constantly 

19. look after

20. wondered

D. Complete the sentences  with the words from the box below. There is one extra word.

21. habits

22. calories

23. waterproof 

24. outdoors

25. abroad 

E. Circle the correct item.

26. a little 

27. a few 

28. any

29. a 

30. any 

F. Choose the correct item.

31. A. wins

32. С. won’t

33. C. I am going to be a doctor.

34. A. would like 

35. A. will finish

36. B. meets

37. B. won’t get  

38. C. shouldn’t 

39. A. don’t get

40. A. watch

41. A. when

G. Complete the dialogues using the phrases below. There is one extra phrase. 

42. I’ am afraid

43. Are you 

44. Could I 

45. Do you want 


46. True (T)

47. False (F)

48. True (T)

49. True (T)

50. True (T)

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