

I have finished Baldurs Gate 3 early access. The way I play the game is through conserving powerful abilities for difficult fights. Since most fights were not very difficult for me, I ended up doing very few rests. This was also reasonable for me role-play wise because if you have a tadpole in your head you want to get rid of it as fast as you can, so it feels like a good idea not to waste time on sleep. This is also the reason I rushed to the Githyanki outpost by Lae'zels advice. 

Anyway, as a result, it appears that I have missed a lot of interactions with my party members, since there is a limit of those per rest. 

When I reached the end of EA, I did six long rests in a row and some of the interactions I got referred to events that have been a long time ago and some of them were in incorrect order.

That was unexpected. I even went as far to have a companion with me, but after about 15 long rests there was another new event (called Navel which I think is that in the Githyanki settlement) and some custom encounters I've never seen. In conclusion, since I know where I should go for the rest, I did not miss much, though I did have some issues due to the limit of rest/merits. 

Therefore I am going to explore part of the area around the old bedroll, explore the abandoned stables area, find the yeti encounter, do some more rests and explore the town part, add more rest/merits and fight some Maces. 

In addition, there is a quest called Sorrow's Name to be found which gives you access to Marbruk (Tashala's Retreat) from FF12 (I think) but not other locations. If you are looking for quest to level and level up I highly recommend exploring the Farrel Valley (Tashala's Retreat) as part of the adventure.

So there you go. Go explore the Farrel Valley!

Thanks for reading! 

PS. Hey if you found some errors, please send me a message so I can fix them.

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