

The most profitable skill in 2023:


But most people don't know how to start.

Steal these 10 lessons to make your stories sell:

Before we start, you have to know WHY storytelling is so important.

The benefits of storytelling:

• It creates curiosity

• It attracts attention

• Makes your products sell themselves

• It connects people on a deeper level

+ many more reasons

Let's dive in:

1.) One lesson:

Giving one lesson from a story gives more of an impact.

Multiple lessons make it hard for the brain to track.

This turns people away.

Do this:

•Create the setup

•Introduce the conflict

•Provide a meaningful solution

2.) Start the right way:

The opening of the story is the most important part.

You have to attract the person's attention within 30 seconds.

Make the introduction:





"It was the day my grandmother exploded" - The Crow Road

3.) Create an Irresistible Story:

Introduce conflict.


Conflict will lure your reader in

Without it, there are no problems to solve

Create conflict with:

•Internal beliefs

•Installing loops

•Opposing forces

•Societal problems

4.) Bring characters to life:

Add more details to your character & the will become life-like.

The more real your character is, the more your audience will relate to them.

Relating to character = interest

Bring your character to life by doing this:

4.1) Bring your character to life by:

•Using odd adjectives

•Revealing the character's interests

•Using diverse physical descriptions

•Incorporating details from your own life

•Using descriptions from people you know in your life

5.) Give your reader a mental movie

When your reader creates mental imaging, the story will stick

Use the 5 human senses to put your reader into virtual reality






Blending these elements creates an internal representation

6.) Details establish a deeper connection.

The more details, the more your reader will connect with the story.

Specificity gives credibility.

Be specific by:

•Giving dates

•Portraying scenes

•Expressing emotions

The power is in the fine print.

7.) Negative stories create fear.

Positive stories create inspiration.

Ending the story on a positive note gives your reader an emotional high.

This emotional high will have them returning to your content again and again.

Simple yet so effective. Make the reader feel good.

8.)The Spark:

Shows what helped overcome the conflict

The Change:

Gives the internal shift that happened for the character to win

What little change can make a bring difference?

Identify that change and freaking send it.

9.) Use Dialogue

Dialogue creates different points of view.

It allows the reader to engage the subconscious and the conscious.

This makes the story stick and again can introduce conflicts.



10.) The most powerful lesson:

Value gives the lesson from the story.

Without learning something from the story, it's worthless.

Pack your story full of value by:

•Identifying needs

•Fixing relationships

•Cast differences aside

•Overcoming common problems


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