





( ˘ ᵕ ˘🌷🌸🌷

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Good morning cintakuu :P Did you have a good sleep? I hope you didd sayangg, I just wanna say that I love youu so so muchh. I'm so lucky to have youuu :(( I promise I will stay with forever 😡😡 If you dare to leave me again, I will kick yor bawls (srslyy). I love youuu. You are the love of my life, you are the apple of my eye and you are my universe :PP LOVEE YOUUU 💥💥😠

aku pengen bicara dulu yaa ?? aku punya cowok yang gantengg sekaliiii, dia juga lucuu banget. Apalagi waktu senyum, ketawa dan main piano itu ganteng nya sudah kelewatan 😵😵‍💫 Aku panggil dia "ashas" atau nama panggilan yang alay hwhehhw ^__^ Karena dia punya nama yang hampir sama dengan aku. Dan bener, cowok yang sedang aku bicarakan itu kamu. Kamu adalah salah satu tokoh favorit ku yang tidak akan tergantikan di hidupku. Walaupun banyak cowok di luar sana, kamu adalah salah satunya yang bisa bikin aku gembira, tidak ada orang lain selain kamu ‼️ Terimakasih atas semua perasaan ini, terimakasih sudah membuat aku gembira dan ketawaa 💗

🫶 Kamu sebenarnya bosen ga sih sama akuu ?? masa kamu bisa bertahan sama sikapp aku yang buruk kayak gini T__T aku selalu marah kepada kamu tetapi kamu kenapa engga marah balik? Kamu hebatt bangett tauu, gaada orang yang bisa sesabar kamuu :((( Makasihh banget yaa sayangkuu 🫶 I hope our not so lovey dovey stuff doesn't end here pleasee ☹️ Losing you means I'm losing everything in the world, I don't care if I lose anyone else. Ga kebayang kalau aku ga lagi sama kamu, karena cuma yang satu satu nya berperan sebagai dunia aku 🌏 Cuman kamu yang bisa membuat aku senang, cuman kamu yang suka nasehatin aku, dan cuman kamu yang bisa ngertiin perasaan akuu. I love you soo soo soo soooooooo much 😵‍💫 Aku harap aku bisa perbaiki sifat jelek aku inii :(( Maaf kalau aku banyak kurang nya !!

Anyways, enough about that.. Let's talk about youu!! You are the most nicest person in scb broo, I'm not even lying anymore. Kamu adalah satu satunya orang yang buat hidup aku lebih baguss. Aku dulu emoh karena sekolah, tetapi sekarang aku jadi gembira karena kamuu. I talk about you every single day, it's either to my parents, fishes, dogs, mbak, plushies or my friends 😋 Whenever someone makes fun of you, I'm always here defending you. Because people don't understand how you are the biggest part of my life 🐓 If I were capable of loving someone, it would be you. Art has always found a way to speak to my heart and you've been my favourite piece. By the way, you are always in my prayers :)

I hate how you always make me feel. you don't know how much I hate these feelings because no matter I'm with you, I'm always soft. I feel a sense of contentment wash over me. Your warmth and love envelopes me like a blanket, comforting me and making me feel safe. In that moment, I know that I love you more than anything in the world. Your kindness, tenderness, and affection are a constant source of joy and happiness in my life. I'm grateful for every second that we spend together and I treasure each and every one of our moments. You are the most wonderful boy I've ever known.

u the black bunny cz U black and stuff

૮⸝⸝ > ꇴ <⸝⸝ づ━☆*:・゚✧ Sending you my love 。。。

moshie — moshie ,I have some reminder for you !

O1. you are strong ,cute ,and good enough !

O2. think positive,not negative !

O3. you must be proud of yourself~

O4. it's okay If thing's don't go well

O5. everyone loves you,even me ♡

O6. please don't forget to love yourself

ʚɞ: sooo just remember that if you well sad && need someone to talk to,just talk to me! You are not alone,you have me. <3

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