

Aileen B`Fleur

⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⚠️ DISCLAIMER ⚠️

★ Due to @telegram's privacy policy, i declare that i'm not the real Lee Jueun. this account is for roleplayer only, all media and anything here doesn't have any connection with 이주은 or MBK Entertainment.

✩ All activities and media on this channel comes from the internet; twitter, pinterest, instagram, google, and other social media platforms.


⠀BYS ##. . .🗯

i'm pretty selective, keyboard smasher, broken grammar and english area, so- don't judge me because of my bad english. sometimes i use harshwords and also capslock but i still know the limits.

⠀DSI ##. . .🗯

you're problematic, manipulative person, racist, rprl area, copycat, grammar police, two faces, spread hate, can't respect others.

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