ZEROSTATE — Emotional Intelligence

ZEROSTATE — Emotional Intelligence

Crator Touch

ZeroState is the world’s first emotional intelligence platform. It helps advertisers around the world increase the loyalty of their customers by analyzing their emotional involvement.

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is what we feel. It is the feelings that are born inside us long before our brain can assess the situation, apply social filters and decide whether it is «good» or «bad».

ZeroState uses an application to collect such feelings. The users are motivated to share as they learn about a new product and earn money at the same time.

A continuous flow of tokenized feelings from our users creates an independent database of opinions on products and services.

Tokenized feelings represent knowledge about emotional ties and connections that are core to the relationships.

The path to customer loyalty lies through emotional involvement. If customers think about your brand, they buy it. Manufacturers highly value such feedback and are willing to pay for this kind of information.

Our platform is the link between the manufacturer and the user.


  • Search engine on a new level

People search for «what» a thing is on Google. We will shift the focus to «how» it feels to give the user what they are looking for. By establishing partnerships with iTunes and Litres, we developed an emotional search add-in capable of suggesting «fun» music or a «wise» book. The same can be applied to online shopping platforms Amazon, E-bay, Alibaba, etc. to upgrade them to E-Commerce 2.0.

  • Social network 2.0

On social networks you can only search for people by their interests, but they do not always reflect their personality. A ZeroState social network will make it possible to find like-minded people. If you live efficiently, you need only to type «efficient» to find people who do the same.

  • Marketplace or Uber-like advertising platform

Users get real money for their reviews out of the advertising campaign budget. It increases the number of reviews overall, as well as the share of sincere, unbiased reviews, and provides an opportunity to form an objective opinion about the product.


  • Free participation in promotions

Becoming a ZeroState user is simple: just install the application and sign up for free. Looking for information and participating in advertising campaigns is free, too

  • Bonus for reviews

An advertiser organizes an advertising campaign and determines its budget. A user becomes a participant automatically when they leave a review or confirm someone else’s. For each review or confirmation their account is credited with ZSC.

  • Unbiased opinion

Users get bonuses for all reviews, including unfavorable ones. When customers are not forced to praise a product, we can obtain a fair and full evaluation.

ZeroState means personal growth for its members, as well as access to data on products and services.

Multiple ZeroState tools will help you find:


ZeroState ICO will have two stages when the company tokens will be offered for sale with special discounts.


Starts on — March 21, 2018

Ends on — May 31, 2018

Presale plan: $2,000,000.

Tokens Presale package volume: 5 million tokens.

Presale bonus program

Presale bonus: 50% (55% in case of large volume purchases)

The volume of the bonus tokens for the Presale distribution of the participants: 2,5 million tokens.

Thus, with the purchase of 100 ZSCoin tokens, the participant at the Presale stage actually receives 150 ZSCoins tokens.

Public Token Sale

Starts on — June 21, 2018

Ends on — August 31, 2018 (it is possible to extend the Token Sale period).

The minimum target amount to be raised during the Token Sale is $4,000,000.

Tokens Token Sale package volume: 59 million ZSCoins tokens

Distribution scheme of bonus tokens during Token Sale:

Token Distribution


Depending on the scenario and the sum raised


The next step for the company is tokenizing user reviews. To do this, we need to implement our blockchain and issue tokens to be distributed among advertisers and users.


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Author: Crator Touch

My Bitcointalk Profile:;u=1612381

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