You are not you, if you do not know all the altcoins. Meet FLOGmall friends!

You are not you, if you do not know all the altcoins. Meet FLOGmall friends!

How we make ICO

You are all already here experienced cryptousers, so we sincerely hope that such giants as Ethereum and Bitcoin do not need to be presented. You all know about Buterin and Satoshi, these names sound from almost every Chinese alarm clock. Their younger brothers Ethereum Classic and Bitcoin Cash live on our site. ETC is the same blockchain platform for developing decentralized applications based on open source smart contracts. Just remember that ETC is the fifth largest crypt in the world, and that's enough. Bitcoin Cash is a Bitcoin fork. Another Bitcoin Fork is Litecoin. Peer-to-peer electronic payment system, the fourth largest cryptocurrency by the value of the total cost.

Greetings to Monero. Cryptocurrency based on the CryptoNote Protocol, designed to maximize anonymization of your transactions. It’s another fork, but already from Bytecoin, which came to this world in 2014. Such a thirst for anonymity gave rise to accusations of Monero in “aiding” the trade in drugs, weapons and pornography.  In General, the dark side, and all that. But this is only the tales of Sherwood forest, while the popularity of Monero is growing. By the way, our second charity project - likes to mine this crypto.

Another diarie from the TOP10 popular cryptocurrency is Dash. It is an open decentralized payment system, also is a fan of the anonymous transactions mechanism. There is no central management, emission occurs on mining.

IOTA is a new open source distributed register that does not use a blockchain. IOTA transactions are free regardless of their size, transaction confirmation time is small, the number of transactions processed at the same time is not limited, and the system is easy to scale. And it’s a real miracle, friends.

NEO and the company Antshares behind it, is the first blockchain party in China. It combines traditional mechanisms with the digital economy, calling it a kind of smart economy. It manages intellectual assets by using the blockchain, and indeed for a long time already takes pride of place in the TOP10.

Another participant in the TOP10 of the world ranking of the world's celebrities crypts - Ripple. It was launched in 2012 and reached the mark of only $0.8. The Protocol supports tokens, commodities, or other items such as frequent flyer miles or mobile minutes. It’s decentralized and it operates without the participation of Ripple company, all kinds of banks and other divine intervention.

Ripple fork - Stellar is also conveniently located in the payment methods on our platform. It is a real-time currency trading platform supported by the Stellar Development Foundation, a non-profit non-stock fund.

Come on, let’s find out about the little-known. Which you will not find in Wikipedia, and learn only from us. Hello, Cardano. Again, a decentralized platform that provides integrated programmable value transfer. It dreams to create decentralized applications and contracts in an inexpensive and painless way. Written in a highly protected language Haskell, if that’s what it says to you. :)

EOS - a new architecture of blockchain, designed vertically and horizontally, along and across to scale decentralized applications. Million transactions per second and the solution of problems of excessive traffic? Yes, it’s here.

What do you know about the Tron? It's no longer a sci-Fi movie, it's a blockchain Protocol to create an entertainment system around the world with free content. Well, finally, someone smart enough to earn on mems and funny youtube videos! The first Tron app has already appealed more than 10 million users.

The first company, that have created a platform for using the traditional currency as Bitcoin - Tether. Their crypt has no centralized issuer and can be available for issue to everyone. Using digital equivalents of real currencies, Tether ensures the stability of quotations. The tether platform currently uses virtual analogues of the Euro and the us dollar (for example, 1 us dollar – 1 USDT).

NEM - new economy movement - cryptocurrency written in Java and JavaScript. NEM is special, it forms a blockchain with the use of an importance proof algorithm. Look, your right to form a block is affected by three components: the balance of the wallet, the activity of the account (the number of transactions) and the time of the account on the network. This is a completely new platform.Check it out!

You have already read about our partners Viuly and ColossusXT in another posts. But we have some other old friends that we have wrongly kept silent about. It's KickICO. Their platform was founded with the purpose of carrying out activities for the collective fund raising for the benefit of the realization of human ideas. By using the site KickICO now anyone can create a campaign for the ICO. Do you want your own token? It will take a couple of minutes with KickICO.

Well, are you tired of discussing the ideas of decentralization of the economy, democratization of Finance, freedom, equality and brotherhood? Let’s take a break for the weekend, and we will continue from Monday with a brand new Altcoins, “inhabiting” the FLOGmall platform.

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