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Яндекс деньги безопасно ли это

Cash-exchanger – это международный обменный сервис, позволяющий совершать обмены электронных валют в любой точке мира, где бы Вы не находились.

Совершать обмены с Cash-exchanger можно с любого устройства, неважно чем Вам удобно пользоваться: мобильным телефоном, планшетом или компьютером.

Подключитесь к интернету и за считанные минуты Вы сможете произвести обмен электронных валют.

Все наши кошельки полностью верифицированы, что гарантирует Вам надежность и уверенность при совершении обмена.

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Андрей Россия 46.146.38.* (12 августа 2018 | 23:11)

При переводе на карту возникли трудности, банк отвергал платеж. Обратился в поддержку, в течение 15 минут вопрос был решен, перевели на другую мою карту. Оперативная техподдержка, удобный сервис, спасибо за вашу работу!!!

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Перевод был произведен супер быстро! А если добавите еще Сбербанк, чтобы комиссия поменьше, лучшего о не пожелаешь! Так держать!

Влад Россия 46.42.42.* (12 августа 2018 | 10:18)

Выводил эксмо рубли на тинькофф - процедура заняла порядка 5 минут, с 25тыс заплатил комиссию 7,5 рублей.

Результатом доволен на все 146%

Егор Нидерланды 192.42.116.* (9 августа 2018 | 18:40)

Очень быстрыы и оперативные, я сам накосячил при вводе но ребята быстро помогли 10 из 10

Андрей Россия 213.87.135.* (8 августа 2018 | 19:27)

Как всегда быстро и качественно, СПС.

Андрей Россия 176.195.75.* (8 августа 2018 | 11:21)

Обменивал с карты ВТБ на эфир, транзакацая заняла меньше минуты, оператор отвечал очень быстро, определенно годный обменник, будем пользоваться

Леха Россия 93.81.174.* (6 августа 2018 | 11:19)

Все супер как и всегда

Good, service, or store Search. Start a Wallet Log in. What do I do if I cannot access the site under my login? Contact our Support Service immediately: We do our best to make the service safe and secure. But fraudsters are as active on the Internet as they are in real life. However, we will do our best to try and help you. How do I protect myself from fraud? There we describe the most common types of fraud. But remember that fraudsters are very inventive. Your best protection is common sense. Keep your computer secure: If you want to maximize protection of your account, make use of one-time passwords. They are impossible to intercept or figure out. I received an email from Yandex. If the letter is fraudulent, you may be asked to follow a link to an unknown site or to enter your login and password. Fraudsters sometimes tell you your Yandex. Money account has been blocked. Money will never ask you for any of your passwords. What are pyramid schemes and what do they have to do with Yandex. Such activity is a violation of the Yandex. Money blocks the accounts of all pyramid scheme participants that we become aware of. Money provide user information to third parties e. We will only share user information with a third party when presented with a legally-grounded, official order. Acting in accordance with such an order is our obligation as dictated by the requirements of the effective legislation. Where can I enter my payment password and where should I not enter it? If you accessed the site via a link, be sure to check what is written in the browser address bar. The address of the page where you enter your payment password should start with https: Please double-check that this is the case even if the site looks just like Yandex. Never send your password via email or instant message. Money send forgotten payment passwords via email? And that means nothing will prevent them from stealing money from your account. Second, we could only send a password if we knew it. And nobody should know your payment password but you. All passwords are encrypted. Somebody hacked my account and changed my payment password. What should I do? First and foremost, run anti-virus software. Create a new, more sophisticated password. Fraudsters could have added their email or phone number to the list to keep control over your account. How do I restore my Yandex account password? Go to the password recovery page and enter your login. The system will tell you what to do. This depends on the information you specified on Yandex. Money protected from fraudsters? Access to each account is protected by a password. All files containing account details are encrypted in the Processing Center, and payments, transfers, and other transactions are confirmed by e-contracts. Of course, there is always the human factor. For instance, a seller can fail to deliver goods and disappear with the delivered money. We advise you to be cautious about who you make deals with and to regularly check the official catalog of stores connected to the service. Money web-server is protected by SSL with bit encryption. The server provides a so-called certificate for its own identification: If the certificate is not signed or is signed by an unknown person, the client is informed and the connection fails. After the authenticity of the server is confirmed, one temporary key is generated which is valid for the current session only. With this key the server and the user further encrypt the information sent. Can hackers gain access to my Yandex. Your passwords are stored in encrypted form. Money employee has access to them. Bank card transactions are protected according to international standards. On top of that, we offer additional protection i. Remember, fraudsters are very inventive. For instance, your password can be stolen using a Trojan virus. Therefore, we recommend you update your anti-virus software regularly. What do I do if my computer is infected with a virus? Run anti-virus software and check your computer the software program will guide you through what to do. If nothing works, contact a technical specialist. What do I do? Run anti-virus software and check your computer. In the future, observe the following safety rules: I have an Apple computer. How do I protect it from viruses? Apple computers are subject to the same safety rules that apply to PCs. Use only licensed operating systems and anti-virus software. Main Add money Start a Wallet. Accept payments For business Invoicing Fundraising page. Security Developers Legal Information Mobile version. Password Protection Where can I enter my payment password and where should I not enter it? Hacking Accounts How is Yandex. Viruses and Anti-virus Software What do I do if my computer is infected with a virus? Update them regularly; install a personal firewall e.

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