Xenoblade Chronicles Tamil Dubbed Movie Torrent

Xenoblade Chronicles Tamil Dubbed Movie Torrent


Xenoblade Chronicles Tamil Dubbed Movie Torrent


In a world of endless ocean, all life lives on the decaying corpses of two gigantic titans, the Bionis and Mechonis. When the army of Mechonis attacks his home, young scientist Shulk sets out for revenge.
In the beginning, the world had originally been nothing but an endless ocean. That was until two great titans-the Bionis and the Mechonis-came into existence. These two giants fought a timeless battle, until one day only their lifeless bodies remained, forever locked in combat. Eons later, civilizations founded by races of Bionis-including the humanoid Homs and the Nopon-came under attack from the Mechon, a horde of machines from Mechonis. The Homs fought to defend their existence, which would be settled at the Battle of Sword Valley. Armed with the Monado, a legendary blade that can penetrate Mechon armor, the Homs' hero Dunban fought against the Mechon threat. Those fighting alongside Dunban included Dickson, a seasoned traveler and old friend of Dunban, and Mumkhar, an honorless soldier who secretly wants the Monado for himself. During the battle, Dunban was almost overcome by the Monado's power and fell. While Dickson tried to help him, Mumkhar saw his own chance to escape. While running, he fell down a slope and came face to face with a horde of armed Mechon. Dunban and Dickson, however, recovered quickly, and led a final charge against the approaching Mechon, completely destroying their army and winning the battle. However, wielding the Monado caused great harm to Dunban's body, negating the use of his right arm. Nonetheless, peace was temporarily restored to the colonies.
Xenoblade Chronicles is, like I said in the summary, a fantastic game to own. It is an epic that revolves around the young boy Shulk and his sword, the Monado, as they set out on a quest to avenge their friend. This quest later turns into a larger than life story that will revolve around Shulk&#39;s ability of foresight. <br/><br/>The world of Xenoblade is massive. It takes place across the bodies of two gigantic titans. The Bionis, where all living, organic beings originate, and the Mechonis, which is where all mechanical beings originate, were locked in a battle that ended with both titans weakening each other to the point of exhaustion. Life would later spring up on these titans. <br/><br/>The story of Xenoblade starts off at the Battle of Sword Valley. The Homs, basically humans, are fighting off a large force of Mechon, machines that eat Homs. You play as Dunban and hold back a large horde of Mechon using the Monado. The game does a one year time skip, and you&#39;re now controlling Shulk. After some normal, peaceful time in Colony 9, a Mechon attack results in Shulk&#39;s friend and love interest Fiora&#39;s untimely death. This attack is also where Shulk first wields the Monado. Shulk and his friend Reyn depart from the colony and promise to avenge Fiora. <br/><br/>Xenoblade&#39;s gameplay is a perfect mix of combat and world exploration. Exploration and side-questing rewards you with experience points. Side quests are entirely optional, you don&#39;t need to do any to progress the story. However, it is ideal to do as many as possible in order to be at a safe level. This game doesn&#39;t punish you directly for not doing side quests, but you will notice the game becomes more difficult if you do fewer side quests.<br/><br/>Xenoblade&#39;s combat system is so deep, but at the same time user friendly. It&#39;s complex enough to earn its own review. The combat in Xenoblade draws inspiration from MMO&#39;s with attacks that are unique to a certain character that have cool down times. These attacks, known as arts, can inflict status conditions on the enemy. You have your standard ones, such as poison, paralyzation, blaze (which is basically burn), and others.There are also unique statuses. These include break, topple, and daze. An enemy with a break status can be toppled, and a toppled enemy can be dazed. Positioning can also have an influence on damage. Some arts might do more damage if you&#39;re behind the enemy. Every character has a unique talent art too. These talent arts can draw aggro, do heavy damage, or allow access to more arts. Shulk&#39;s Monado will give him visions of powerful attacks that are coming. This will give players a warning, only give them a certain time to react them. Warning a party member takes one meter from the party gauge. If you have three meters in you party gauge, you can unleash a powerful chain attack. <br/><br/>The scope of Xenoblade is astounding for a Wii title. The environments are all unique. And at a distance, everything looks amazing. Models up close do look muddy, and that&#39;s the only reason I don&#39;t give this game a 10 out of 10. It does look like an early Gamecube game in terms of close up looks which can sometimes be a tad distracting. The soundtrack is astounding, bringing out emotions of sadness or excitement depending on the scene. The battle themes are iconic, and the world exploring themes are charming. Character development progresses perfectly, and you feel like you&#39;ve known them way longer than the story 70 hour story. Completionists are staring down a large beast. It will take the upside of 121-130 hours to complete Xenoblade Chronicles.<br/><br/>This is a massive undertaking with a great reward in form of an amazing story, great characters, and rewarding accomplishments. It&#39;s a great game to have regardless of your status with JRPGs. If you&#39;re a veteran to the genre, you&#39;ll be right at home. If you want to get into these types of games, Xenoblade is a friendly startup game.
**SPOILER FREE*<br/><br/>The greatest disappointment about Xenoblade Chronicles is that not everyone, who owns a Wii, will get the chance to play it. Due to some bizarre decisions from &#39;Nintendo of America&#39;, Xenoblade Chronicles has not been granted an NA release. This is a crying shame as Xenoblade Chronicles is by far, not only, one of the best Wii games that I have ever played but also one of the best JRPG&#39;s that I have ever come across.<br/><br/>The story is your usual fare of &#39;good vs evil&#39;, with that &#39;ordinary&#39; guy chosen to be the hero; but there are so many twist and turns that you cannot help yourself but feel engrossed by it all. It makes me wonder that this could even but adapted into a successful film series. It does a great job of making you actually care for the characters, which is helped by the British voice cast who do a great job of bringing these individuals to life...for the most part. Sure there are a few instances here and there, but they are so minor you won&#39;t even be phased by it.<br/><br/>Xenoblade Chronicles plays very well and eases you into the battle mechanics without being patronising. But there is so much to it, over 80 hours in and I was still learning new techniques and strategies, it really is astounding how much there is to this game.<br/><br/>One criticism this game has been receiving is with its graphics. Everyone knows that the Wii is not a power house console, and it does show with Xenoblade. However the &#39;style&#39; of this game is beyond incredible. The design of the various towns and battlefields, the looks of the many enemies roaming the grounds that you are exploring, it really shows the attention to detail that the designers used when creating this game, its simply beautiful.<br/><br/>Talking about things being &#39;beautiful&#39;, I can&#39;t finish without mentioning the sublime soundtrack that accompanies this game. Epic, inspiring and melodious are words that easily spring to mind. The grand scale of when your are exploring the fields of &#39;Bionis&#39;, the deep mood of when you are discovering &#39;Mechonis&#39;. Every songs fits every moment perfectly; and lets not forget the final song, &#39;Beyond the Sky&#39;, which would give many Disney Films &#39;hit songs&#39; a run for their money.<br/><br/>Simply put, if you own a Wii, and are starved for an epic game, then you deserve to pick this game up. If you are a fan of RPGs/JRPGS you really won&#39;t be disappointed.<br/><br/>10/10<br/><br/>To all my brethren, over seas, I wish you all the best with your campaign to get this game released in North America. Hopefully NoA can see the error of their ways and treat their fans with the respect you lot deserve.

You can find it on the Wii disc or on the 3DS game cartridge. 7cb1d79195

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