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It has an endearing lack of seriousness, and Vin Diesel has more than enough muscle for the starring role, but ultimately, XXX is a missed opportunity to breathe new life into the spy thriller genre. Read critic reviews
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Vin Diesel stars as former extreme sports athlete Xander "XXX" Cage, notorious for his death-defying public stunts. Betting he can succeed where other conventional spies have failed, Xander is recruited by NSA Agent Gibbons (Samuel L. Jackson) to become a different kind of undercover agent. Enlisted for a dangerous covert mission, he must use all his extreme skills to combat a clever, organized, and ruthless enemy far beyond the scope of his experience.
PG-13 (Language|Drug Content|Nonstop Action Sequences|Sensuality|Violence)
action, adventure, mystery & thriller
Dolby SR, DTS, Dolby Stereo, Surround, SDDS, Dolby A, Dolby Digital
Samuel L. Jackson
Agent Augustus Gibbons

Joel Hynek
Visual Effects Supervisor
Vin Diesel, every teen's fantasy action hero.
December 29, 2010 | Rating: 4/5 | Full Review…
If Dubya and Dick Cheney had made their very own post-9/11 patriotic propaganda movie for the teens they need as globalisation fodder, then this would be it.
Sporadically entertaining, this is nevertheless seriously hampered by a very choppy screenplay.
March 2, 2003 | Rating: 3/5 | Full Review…
Vin may not yet be a Bond, or a Terminator, or even Conan the Barbarian. But he's got presence and charisma.
November 19, 2002 | Rating: 3/5 | Full Review…
Diesel's a limited actor but a great performer - he just exudes cool. It's his charisma -- coupled with the raw sex appeal of Asia Argento's X girl -- that makes Rob Cohen's movie tick.
October 2, 2002 | Rating: 3/5 | Full Review…
The director piles on one expensive but impersonal action scene after another.
For every action sequence, there are shots dedicated to formulaic rips of the already tired spy subgenre.
November 9, 2020 | Rating: 3/10 | Full Review…
Groovy gadgets, deadpan quips and stunning set-piece stunts reign supreme in this expertly-made schlockbuster.
June 24, 2020 | Rating: 3/5 | Full Review…
Fun but deeply, ridiculously silly.
Despite the blatant rips, XXX's storyline remains entertaining enough.
September 8, 2009 | Rating: 3.5/5 | Full Review…
As an action director, Mr. Cohen is competent, but this film -- which is pretty much as non-stop as an action movie can get -- needed a director with a little more finesse.
July 14, 2007 | Rating: 2.5/4 | Full Review…
Okay, that's it. My summer of movies has been completely pissed on.
Vin Diesel, every teen's fantasy action hero.
December 29, 2010 | Rating: 4/5 | Full Review…
If Dubya and Dick Cheney had made their very own post-9/11 patriotic propaganda movie for the teens they need as globalisation fodder, then this would be it.
Sporadically entertaining, this is nevertheless seriously hampered by a very choppy screenplay.
March 2, 2003 | Rating: 3/5 | Full Review…
Vin may not yet be a Bond, or a Terminator, or even Conan the Barbarian. But he's got presence and charisma.
November 19, 2002 | Rating: 3/5 | Full Review…
For every action sequence, there are shots dedicated to formulaic rips of the already tired spy subgenre.
November 9, 2020 | Rating: 3/10 | Full Review…
Groovy gadgets, deadpan quips and stunning set-piece stunts reign supreme in this expertly-made schlockbuster.
June 24, 2020 | Rating: 3/5 | Full Review…
Fun but deeply, ridiculously silly.
Despite the blatant rips, XXX's storyline remains entertaining enough.
September 8, 2009 | Rating: 3.5/5 | Full Review…
As an action director, Mr. Cohen is competent, but this film -- which is pretty much as non-stop as an action movie can get -- needed a director with a little more finesse.
July 14, 2007 | Rating: 2.5/4 | Full Review…
Okay, that's it. My summer of movies has been completely pissed on.
Not since the days when Joel Silver ruled Hollywood and musclebound subliterates vied for supremacy on the big screen has the industry spawned a phenomenon as garish and confounding as Vin Diesel.
With all the stimulating action sequences you can ask for, a touch of class and some fine comedic moments, you'll leave the theater wanting more.
July 5, 2005 | Rating: 4/5 | Full Review…
Basically this is an American James Bond film made for 12 year olds, Full of over the top action which I never really liked as it ruins the whole film for me, But it's pretty fun at times, Predictable but fun, Maybe the age certificate didn't help in the action scenes though, Although it's pretty poor acted and the one liners and dialogue were pretty awful Vin Diesel was fun to watch as he wasn't a morbid, Croaky bore like he usually is he actually looked like he wanted to be there for once, The plot is Ripped off from every Bond film so we know what's going to happen and when, If I reviewed this when I was 12 I'd of given it 5 stars but age and maturity kicked in and it gets a solid 3 stars just for being brain dead fun.
If any future filmmakers are looking for inspiration in the guilty-pleasure high octane action genre, xXx is exactly the film to look into. What's not to like about it? Heck, even the horribly awful things are entertaining. Back when Vin Diesel decided not to come back to the Fast & Furious franchise, he chose to join F&F 1 director Rob Cohen in taking on another ridiculous action extravaganza, xXx. Now, the Fast & Furious franchise has figured out the right balance of lighthearted humor, bada** action sequences, and developed characters who we actually care about. xXx certainly has fun action, but that's about it. The humor is there, but in no way do I believe it's intentionally funny. And the characters are pretty awful. Or, at least the dialogue coming out of their mouths is awful. But does a film like this really need to have great dialogue? I guess not. Especially when it contains countless one-liners that do nothing but put a smile on my face from ear to ear. Essentially, this is just another Fast & Furious movie. Fast cars, explosions, women in scantily clad attire, incoherent plots, over-the-top villains, and catchy music. All are staples of the franchise, and Xander Cage's first film outing is no different. The supporting characters are fittingly absurd and bizzare, led by a prototypical performance from Samuel L. Jackson & an equally clichéd turn from Marton Csokas. I think the bottom line is, this movie is so far-fetched and insane that it works as one of the best mindless action adventures of the last decade. No one would believe a guy like Xander Cage would be recruited as an undercover agent in any sort of organization, but that's not really the point. xXx sets out to entertain, and that it does. +One-liners +Full-throttle action +Over-the-top -Really, really awful dialogue -Cliched -Does anyone actually care about these characters? 6.4/10
Gawd all frickin' mighty. How do people like Vin Diesel in these films? A clear candidate for most annoying action hero of all time. This is complete crap.
Some of the action scenes are okay but the story is dull and Diesel is no James Bond with the ladies. The kissing scenes are way too much to bear and these are extended shots. Rob Cohen is far from a great filmmaker and you only need to see how the dialogue is delivered to know he isn't looking for anything with substance. The avalanche scene is probably the most memorable thing about this dull misfire that was looking to kickstart a new franchise. This film might appeal to the fast and furious crowds but anyone else will find nothing but boring Diesel attempts at being a central character. Riddick is the only character I've enjoyed. 07/07/2017.
I've been undercover here for two years.
Two years? What was your plan? To let them die of old age?
I want you to meet some people and find out whatever you can about them.
Dirty. Dangerous. Tattooed. Uncivilized. Your kind of people.
You've gotta be kidding me! You already broke me, you don't have to get cruel and unusual.
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The percentage of users who rated this 3.5 stars or higher.
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Suitable for 9-18 years
Free time and teenagers
All teenagers are different. But many enjoy spending their free time doing things like shopping, going to parties, being with friends, gaming and using social media, texting, watching movies, reading and going to the beach or park.
Teenagers are also spending an increasing amount of their free time in structured extracurricular activities like arts and sports.
Spending free time together is a great way to stay connected with your teenage child.
Doing something one-on-one with parents can be a treat for your child. You could go to a movie or concert, cook a meal together, look through family photos, or work on a project like redecorating your child’s room. It just depends on what interests you and your child.
These activities might not happen spontaneously. You might need to discuss ideas with your child and plan to spend some time together.
If spending free time with you is a new thing, your child might take a bit of encouraging before she’s keen. If this is an issue, you could consider inviting one or two of your child’s friends along as well.
If you spend time together often enough, your child will probably build up more enthusiasm, so keep trying. You might need to try a range of activities before you find one you both like.
Shopping! My daughter and I just love shopping. Then we stop for a coffee or juice and just talk. It can feel so strange doing that with my daughter, but I love it. 
– Sarah, mother of 16-year-old daughter
If you’ve got teenagers and younger children, you could have a family meeting to brainstorm activities to enjoy as a family. You could make a couple of lists – activities to do together, and activities that only some of you will do.
Some activities the whole family could do might include:
We go down to the park on a Saturday afternoon just to kick a ball around. I’d actually forgotten how much fun running around a park can be!
– Richard, father of 14-year-old son
Your child will also want to do things with his friends. Agreeing on some rules about free time can help keep your child safe when he’s out and about.
Here are some things to think about when you and your child discuss free time with friends.
How much do you need to know about where your child is going, and who with? What details are OK for your child to keep to herself? Can she call you if her plans change? Will she leave her phone on while she’s out?
Monitoring your child is OK, as long as you’re just trying to make sure your child is safe. As your child gets older, you can reduce your supervision and involvement in his activities.
You could think about how available you’ll be for providing transport. Can you drive your child to things if you have enough notice? Are you available in an emergency? Will you offer transport to other friends? Do you expect your child to use public transport unless she gets ‘stuck’?
Although being your child’s taxi can be a hassle, it’ll help you to know he’s travelling safely. It also gives you more time together and the chance to get to know his friends.
Open house
Getting to know your child’s friends shows your child you understand how important her friendships are.
One way to do this is to encourage your child to have friends over and give them a space in your home. You could think about how open you want your home to be. Will there be a curfew? Will you provide meals, snacks and drinks? Does your child need to take responsibility for having friends over – for example, tidying up the kitchen or family room afterwards?
Your child might find that some of the activities he’s interested in cost money. You might talk with your child about what activities you’re willing to pay for, how often and how much. You could also talk to your child about pocket money. Consider how much is fair in your family. Can extra jobs earn extra money?
Finding a balance between being interested in your child’s activities and being ‘in her face’ can be tricky. Our articles on supporting your teenager’s independence and privacy, monitoring and trust in the teenage years have practical tips.
Sometimes your child will just want to spend time by himself, not doing very much. You might notice this as your child spends more time studying – it’s partly about recharging his mental batteries. Solo free time is fine, if it’s not all the time and is balanced with spending time with friends and family.
It’s also OK for your child to feel bored sometimes! Being bored can motivate your child to find something creative or new to fill her time.
Screen time
Your child might spend some of his solo free time watching TV, using a computer or tablet, playing video games, and using his phone.
Healthy screen time for teenagers is about choosing quality programs and apps and developing healthy screen habits. It also includes limits on screen time. Some negotiation about screen time during the school week, on weekends and in the holidays might help your child balance screen time with other activities.
This article was developed in collaboration with Natalie Bolzan, School of Social Sciences & Psychology, Western Sydney University.
Abbott-Chapman, T., & Robertson, M. (2009). Leisure activities, place and identity. In A. Furlong (Ed.), Handbook of youth and young adulthood: New perspectives and agendas (pp. 243-248). Oxford, UK: Routledge.
Caldwell, L.L., & Witt, P.A. (2011). Leisure, recreation and play from a developmental context. New Directions for Youth Development, 130, 13-27. doi: 10.1002/yd.394.
Del Boca, D., Monfardini, C., & Nicoletti, C. (2012). Children’s and parents’ time-use choices and cognitive development during adolescence [Human Capital and Economic Opportunity: A global working group. Working paper 6]. Retrieved 2 December 2019 from http://humcap.uchicago.edu/RePEc/hka/wpaper/DelBoca_Monfardini_Nicoletti_2012_childrens_parents_time.pdf.
Fox, K.M., & Lepine, C. (2012). Rethinking leisure and self: Three theorists for understanding computer and video game leisures. Society & Leisure, 35, 105-130. doi: 10.1080/07053436.2012.10707837.
Fredriksson, I., Geidne, S., & Eriksson, C. (2018). Leisure-time youth centres as health-promoting settings: Experiences from multicultural neighbourhoods in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 46(20), 72-79. doi: 10.1177/1403494817743900.
Martins, J., Marques, A., Sarmento, H., & Carreiro da Costa, F. (2015). Adolescents’ perspectives on the barriers and facilitators of physical activity: A systematic review of qualitative studies. Health Education Research, 30(5), 742-755. doi: 10.1093/her/cyv042.
Positive teenage friends and friendships are an important part of the journey to adulthood for your child. Read how to support your child’s friendships.
Social media benefits and risks: children and teenagers
Social media is a vital part of life for many pre-teens and teens. Social media guidelines can help your child get social media benefits and avoid risks.
Teenage parties: your child going to parties
As children get older, they often want to go to parties. Help your child have fun and stay safe at teen parties with rules, back-up plans and communication.
Community activities: getting teenagers involved
Community activities and volunteering can help teens build skills, civic responsibility and a sense of belonging. You can help your child find activities.
Sleep patterns change in the teenage years, but your teenage child still needs plenty of good-quality sleep for health, memory and energy. Here’s how to help.
Help teens learn to manage money by modelling money management, letting them help with household finances, and giving them responsibility for their own money.
Raising Children Network is supported by the Australian Government. Member organisations are the Parenting Research Centre and the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute with The Royal Children’s Hospital Centre for Community Child Health.
At raisingchildren.net.au we acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we live, gather and work. We recognise their continuing connection to land, water and community. We pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.
© 2006-2021 Raising Children Network (Australia) Limited
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