Wobble, wiggle, jiggle, squiggle etc

Wobble, wiggle, jiggle, squiggle etc


Тут я пытаюсь осмыслить ряд слов завладевших моим вниманием.

Всё началось с предложения «So, at the command of the celluloid instructor, I rolled, waggled, extended, raised, and kneaded my body back to life, as did most of my fellow passengers, except for some unruly nonconforming Americans who decided to remain cramped and caged in their seatformed postures.» — Logic, meaning, and conversation, p. vii.

Одним из источников примеров является Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)

tr — transitive, intr — intransitive

Список слов в порядке их появления: wobble, waggle, wag, wiggle, wriggle, waddle, bobble, bob, babble, bubble, squiggle, giggle, goggle, jiggle, boggle, titter, totter, juggle, waffle, wattle, shuffle, shuttle, rock

upd: quibble, niggle, muffle, cuddle, diddle (продолжаю замечать)

WOBBLE (also wabble)

(Probably from Low German wabbeln [rom Proto-Germanic *wab- "to move back and forth," perhaps from PIE *webh- "to weave" ])

«She begins to cry, which makes her body wobble» (intr)

«Her anger was so intense it made my knees wobble» (intr)

"Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down" — 1970s commercial (игрушки по типу неваляшки)

V.I.C. — wobble (Deville Twerk Remix), soundcloud

Intransitive — syn.: waver ( Old Norse; Origin: vafra [cognate with Low German wabbeln "to wobble;"])

«The President appeared to wobble over sending the troops in»

«Astronomers call the wobble [noun] of Earth’s axis precession. While most of us are familiar with our planet’s primary motions — rotation (spinning once a day) and revolution (orbiting the Sun once a year) — few are aware of precession.» — Glenn Chaple  

«The "Death Wobble" is a creative term coined by Jeep owners that describes a situation when the front axle begins violently oscillating, causing the car to shake (or wobble) in a manner which makes the vehicle hard to control.»


(frequentative of wag)

waggle dance

«I waggle the gun at him to make sure that he sees it»


Dutch waggelen "to waggle,"

Old High German wagon "to move, shake,"

German wackeln "to totter." 


Tr. meaning "move (something) back and forth or up and down" is from c. 1300;

of dogs and their tails from mid-15c.: "and whanne they [hounds] see the hure maystre they wol make him cheere and wagge hur tayles upon him." [Edward, Duke of York, "The Master of Game," 1456].

Related: Wagged; wagging. Wag-at-the-wall (1825) was an old name for a hanging clock with pendulum and weights exposed.

Early 13c. (intr.), "waver, vacillate, lack steadfastness," probably from a Scandinavian source (compare Old Norse vagga "a cradle," Danish vugge "rock a cradle," Old Swedish wagga "fluctuate, rock" a cradle), and in part from Old English wagian "move backwards and forwards;" all from Proto-Germanic *wag- (source also of Old High German weggen, Gothic wagjan "to wag"), probably from PIE root *wegh- "to move about"

noun — A humorous or droll person; a wit.

«Death and taxes are both certain, " an anonymous wag once wrote, " but death isn't annual. "»

WAGGER — One who, or that which, wags

tongue-wagger, finger-wagger

«They tried to keep their affair secret, but it wasn't long before tongues began to wag

finger wagging


«Tongues began to wag when Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan appeared at President Clinton's State of the Union address sitting between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Tipper Gore. What on earth was the conservative, Republican, inflation-fighting chairman of the nation's central bank doing sitting next to the wife of the liberal, Democratic, growth-boosting president?» — the fed chief's unlikely alliance, WashPost, March 1993

«I wondered if the dog's tail would wag when he saw him approach, if he would jump up on him in welcome, trot willingly off with him, transferring allegiance from the old master to the new»


«I frequently wag my right index finger at the class when scolding»

«My own temptation is to become a literary critic, wag my head learnedly and say, " Well, this obviously is a bit of hyperbole-the sort of exaggeration a teacher would use to shock his students awake. "»


early 13c., perhaps from Middle Dutch or Middle Flemish wigelen, frequentative of wiegen "to rock," from wiege "cradle," from Proto-Germanic *wig- (source also of Old High German wiga, German Wiege "cradle," Old Frisian widze), from PIE root *wegh- "to move"

wiggle room — flexibility, as of options or interpretation: ambiguous wording that left some wiggle room for further negotiation.

«Certainly, there is wiggle room in the interpretation of federal law where, despite the supremacy clause, state courts can arguably override lower federal courts in the absence of a US Supreme Court ruling»

finger wiggle


«and you should be able to wiggle your toes inside the shoe while standing. The heels should not slip...»


«Tia said absently. " I think he likes to watch her hips wiggle when she' walks. It's probably something Freudian. »

ear wiggling


middle low german wrigglen / twist, turn /


«I was deep in a cave, far beneath my grandfather's house, and was trying to escape through a tiny opening, a tight tunnel that I tried to wriggle through: I could feel the pressure around my neck and shoulders as I strained to force my way out»

«Her elbows knock my ribs as she struggles to wriggle free, and I keep holding her in spite of myself.»

«crawls a bit further. There's hardly room to stand, but she finally manages to wriggle upright, clawing away cobwebs, next to the car. Holding her light under one arm, she takes several FLASH photos of the shed's interior, ending with the car. Then, slinging her camera over the shoulder, she folds back the tarp, resting it on the roof. The resulting clouds of dust make her cough.» — the silence of the lambs

Screenshot from the silence of the lambs, 1991


«He wriggled his way into favor»

wriggle out of — «Don't try to wriggle out of your responsibilities.»


Frequentative of wade — to walk through water that is not deep

Why do penguins waddle? - BBC News
Myopathic gait (or waddling gait)


«Half a dozen ducks waddled up the bank»


«The old jolly-boat bobbled behind in tow»

frequentative of bob — to move up and down when floating on the surface of water // make a quick, short movement up and down.

«a cork bobbing on the water»

«she could only manage a slight bob of her head’»

also diminutive of bob

bobblehead also known as a nodder, wobbler or bobble head
Fishing float or bobber
hat with a bobble or pom-pom

«That it bounced off his knee and bobbled towards the line allowed him to clear, although whether he did so before the ball fully moved into the goal is difficult to say.»

Woman with bob haircut, rear view


v.intr. — «There are people who are starting to babble all the time»

«Babies babble before they can talk.»

noun — «I can't remember the other babble she was saying, but she started pointing the gun at herself and I said»

«The soundscape includes the gentle trickling of water from a bamboo spout, its babble muffled by rocks below» (A continuous low, murmuring sound, as of flowing water)


Probably from the sound of bubbles in liquid

«Heat the cheese until it bubbles»

«The cola bubbled up when I unscrewed the lid.»

«to bubble over with joy»


Perhaps blend of squirm, and wriggle

syn.: wriggle; squirm


«But her mouth merely pressed into that tight squiggle that made me think of the worms I dug up for fishing.»

« Each sheet contained a random squiggle the students were told to incorporate into a drawing.»

«Shorthand just looks like a series of funny squiggles to me»

gregg's shorthand


Of imitative origin

Ron Swanson Giggles (parks and recreation)


To stare with wide and bulging eyes.

«to goggle like an owl »

snow goggles


Frequentative of jig — to dance or move up and down with quick short movements

treble jig

jig — "lively, irregular dance," 1560s, of uncertain origin. Perhaps from Middle English gigge "fiddle" (mid-15c.), from Old French gigue "fiddle," also the name of a kind of dance. This is the source of Modern French gigue, Spanish giga, Italian giga, which preserve the "dance" sense, and German Geige, which preserves the "violin" sense.

As a verb, "to sing or play a jig," from 1580s. 

From 1580s as the music for such a dance. The extended sense "piece of sport, trick" (1590s), survives mainly in the phrase the jig is up (first attested 1777 as the jig is over).

As a generic word for handy devices or contrivances from 1875, earlier jigger (1726). Other senses seem to be influenced by jog, and the syllable forms the basis of colloquial words such as jiggalorum "a trifle" (1610s), jigamoree "something unknown" (1844), also jiggobob (1620s), jiggumbob (1610s); and compare jigger (n.). "As with other familiar words of homely aspect, the senses are more or less involved and inconstant"


«She jiggled the handle of the pram to make the baby stop crying.»


«The gelatin jiggled on the plate.»


« Does that boggle your mind, Myra?»

a word game


From the sound

To laugh in a restrained, nervous way; giggle.

" That's quite a lump, sweetheart! " he murmurs. Two women standing nearby begin to titter, as though the man had said something obscene. 


perhaps of Scandinavian origin.

«I watched the red-haired girl creep out from behind the tomb and totter toward the parked motorcars»

A seesaw or teeter-totter in a children's playground in Ottawa, Ontario, 2010

«The system began to totter -- and in the end collapsed -- when the former Soviet Union, the key supplier of fuels and raw materials, ran into unanticipated perestroika teething problems that could not be remedied without radical economic transformation.»


Middle English jogelen, to entertain by performing tricks, from Old French jogler, from Latin ioculārī, to jest, from ioculus, diminutive of iocus, joke. See yek- in Indo-European Roots.


«managed to juggle a full-time job and homemaking»


woff 'to bark' (17-19 centuries), from the sound

«Stop waffling and get to the point.»



«And the Cossacks glanced around in surprise at the sounds, similar to a dog's barking, with which Denisov quickly turned away, went to the wattle fence, and caught hold of it. Among the Russian prisoners retaken by Denisov and Dolokhov was Pierre Bezukhov. »


automatic card shuffler

«He'd been released from the hospital a couple weeks earlier and was now able to shuffle around the house by using a walker or a cane.»


«Susan shuttles between Rotterdam and London for her job»


«Paul sat gently rocking the child in his arms»

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