Windows server 2008 ocx register

Windows server 2008 ocx register

Windows server 2008 ocx register

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Windows server 2008 ocx register

To run the System File Checker tool, follow these steps: 1. How do I know what the dependencies are? Now, I am an advanced user, however, not the type that is a advanced PROFFESSIONal. И как проверить - прописался файл или нет - чтобы каждый раз его не прописывать, а только один раз? Может я что не правильно делаю? If you choose to participate, the online survey will be presented to you when you leave the Technet Web site. These modules are being moved from an old Windows Server 2003 R2 server running SQL Server 2005 32-bit server. Almost every application I try to run I either get the error that is mentioned above or I get Dwwin. You should put a filter on the working process here: Regsvr32. You may need to install ATL if your COM objects use ATL, as described by this KB article: These libraries will probably windows server 2008 ocx register to be supplied by developers to ensure the correct version. I ran into the same problem.

This file can not be registered. What I am looking for is another way around this, because I cannot use an InstallShield to update the OCX component of our end users. This video explains an example program and covers the Overview, Monitor, and Heap Dump tabs. I have an application 32-Bit that I am trying to run on our new Windows Server 2008 R2 that wants to use msflxgrd. I get the following error message when I run this command. The error message was.

Скачала Inno Setup, который, судя по постам, сам все регистрирует, но там что то совсем мне не понятно ничего. As usual, you rock even for us illiterates. I was create my own dynamic link library. Are you trying to register a. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. C одним контролом был вот такой bat : Код: echo off regsvr32 название фыйла. При первом запуске программы все регистрируется само и на ура. В дополнение: Я решила зарегить ocx вручную. Он будет автоматически зарегестрирован при первом запуске.

Windows server 2008 ocx register

From: MSDN Mattew TaratI too have the same problem. Расскажите по-подробнее новичку, пожалуйста. If yes, then what is the exact error message. This file can not be registered.

If you choose to participate, the online survey will be presented to you when you leave the Technet Web site. When you try to registered your OCX with this tool it will prompt message if the ocx is having dependency or you will get success message.

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