Windows and forms authentication together

Windows and forms authentication together

Windows and forms authentication together

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Windows and forms authentication together

You should replace them with your own code. Always request a specific authentication type You should always request a specific authentication type as illustrated above. Message-level security WS-Security specifications describe enhancements to SOAP messaging that provide message integrity, message confidentiality, and single message authentication. Add new Uri proxy. The default value is null. This approach is shown in Figure 10. This is the default provider and it stores role information in a SQL Server database. This is illustrated in Figure 10. NET for impersonation Edit Web. NET resources which include the. The GenericPrincipal object holds a reference to a FormsIdentity instance that represents the currently authenticated user.

For this, message-level security provided by the WS-Security specification is required. For custom and message-level authentication, set the mode to None. If you have an ASP. The membership feature is built on top of a provider model. However for internet based users they should be required to enter their credentials. CurrentPrincipal property to ensure that the HttpContext object and the thread point to the same authentication information.

If you are concerned about session hijacking, you should consider setting requireSSL to true. Note Web services do not currently support Passport or Forms authentication. Why use an additional process? If an unauthenticated user tries to access a page, the forms authentication module redirects the user to the logon page specified by the loginUrl attribute of the forms element. When to use WS-Security can be used to construct a framework for exchanging secure messages in a heterogeneous Web services environment. I had tried to persist the token via the FormsAuth cookie and then recreate the WindowsPrincipal object on subsequent requests, but I ran into all sorts of token duplication errors and incorrect identities being returned. NET to use Windows authentication Edit Web. The default value is 30 minutes.

Windows and forms authentication together

Message-Level Options Message-level approaches can be used to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of messages as they pass through an arbitrary number of intermediate systems. It also explains, from a client-side perspective, how to call Web services with credentials and certificates to support server-side authentication. In this case, the supplied user name and password will be sent to the server in clear text form. I see that you store the WindowsPrincipal object for Windows authenticated users in the Session scope. RedirectFromLoginPage methods are called. Forms authentication processing is handled by the FormsAuthenticationModule class, which is an HTTP module that participates in the regular ASP.

NET Web service inherits some of the ASP. NET authenticates the caller.

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