Where to read Wolfling by Gordon R. Dickson story pocket amazon download djvu

Where to read Wolfling by Gordon R. Dickson story pocket amazon download djvu

Where to read Wolfling by Gordon R. Dickson story pocket amazon download djvu

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Book description
DEAR GOODREADS REVIEWERS NAMED RANDAL AND ALL OTHER GOODREADS REVIEWERS AS WELL: Please do not label a book that features racist characters as a racist book. There is a fucking difference between the characters in a book and the book itself! The High Born of Throne World are expressly referred to as a decadent aristocracy - on the cover of the book for crissakes - whose control of an empire is on the verge of collapse. Recommending a book that features self-serving, genetically pure white imperials as being for teenage racists is so completely nonsensical that all I can do is laugh and then write this little rant. Teenage racists will surely be bitterly disappointed if they pick up this book based on Randals recommendation! Perhaps the reviewer is attempting to lead teenage racists astray. Well I suppose that isnt such a bad thing now that I think about it. Okay Randal, you accidentally did a good thing there.Anyway, the most interesting thing to me about Dicksons slim, trim, stripped-down scifi adventure is its basis in cultural anthropology. Our hero is so very, very careful in his assessment of the world he finds himself in. I enjoyed how deliberate he was when analyzing this looming threat to Earth, which made the force of his conclusions (when they finally do occur) particularly striking. Jim Keils chilly intellect and his refusal to get emotional - even when questioned by doltish Earth officials during the overly long denouement - made him a fascinating protagonist. The authors portrait of an aristocracy destined for eventual failure was quite absorbing and I especially enjoyed its centralization of the anthropological term noyau as the key reason why the High Born will not rule for much longer. The word noyau is a label to delineate a society of inward antagonism... suitable for describing such things as the internecine intrigues of Romes court before its fall, the structure of the reality game show The Apprentice, the current socio-political climate of the U.S. and many other countries, and the territorial behavior of most monkeys and perhaps primates in general.
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