Where to read With a Pinch of Salt... by Jas Anand book finder flibusta library ipad

Where to read With a Pinch of Salt... by Jas Anand book finder flibusta library ipad

Where to read With a Pinch of Salt... by Jas Anand book finder flibusta library ipad

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Book description
There are some people who can never come straight to a point. If you ask them a simple question like what is the time? They would probably reply, Time! This is the most horrible time of my life. My father is not sending me more money, I cant understand any damn thing in the lectures, no girl ever seems to be interested in me and the hostel food is pathetic. It is the worst time of my life.In short, this book is like a handbook of everyday humor. It is based on observation of funny tendencies in people and then creating fictional caricatures and anecdotes around them.The tendency of beating around the mulberry bush has been converted into a fictional character called Simon Satellite. And yes, there are many more such characters and anecdotes, served With a Pinch of Salt.
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